TrevorLahey's Low Budget Growing Part 5: "The Ghost and the Darkness"

I hadn’t noticed it in any females, but had a few males throw pistils and get liquified.


Just an update and more info on the intersex comment.

Only one of 2 plants grew pollen sacs but only on the lower 1/4 or so of the plant. It was indiscriminate of node height or main branch/sub branch it just happened on anything on the lower say, 8 inches of the plant. Since the dozen or so ones I found and removed I havent noticed any others (admittedly not checking as thoroughly now because who cares at this point) but I did notice a late flower nanner yesterday on the tip of a bud on the GTxSBR that had previously not shown intersex traits. But I chalk it up to late flower survival tactics and pushing things pretty extreme environment-wise.

They are still worth growing, especially where all the reports have stated it only occurs on the lowers of the plant. Quite possibly the best and most consistently shaped auto I’ve grown or even seen in my research. Just a perfect form.

Heres a side shot, there are serious colas on ALL branches.


Busty Ladies for sure!!! they look realy lovely :green_heart:


Well trying out the #2 plant seeds now so may be mother related…


I had the Ghost Toof #2 x SBR version - maybe thats the difference? Mine were stressed beyond all reasonable levels, but kept comming back and still turned out great as far as yield. Way beyond my expectations, and I didnt see a single nanner or seed. Of course, they grew so densely and close to the floor I had a really hard time even seeing anything down in the jungle.

Im really liking the final product too.

Thats one thing that impressed me too. I did mainly LST under a scrog screen, and even the late starting smaller branches did great with buds very tightly packed and going aaallllll the way down. :slight_smile:


I didn’t have any intersex issues when I ran them. Still smoking on it 2 months later lol. Almost want to run more but no more beans lol


So things kinda went south in the Mars tent. Honestly I knew something was up a few days after I planted them and should have trusted my gut and started new ones. Now I’m two weeks late and having to kill them and start more… sad day…

Had to flush out all the coco, squeeze the water out and spread it out on trays and into the void in the tent to dry. I soaked some seeds 2 night ago so I’ll have to get them potted probably tonight or tomorrow… what a pain…


Day 52

At least the flowering plants look good :smile:


FP are going well, what was the problem with the newbies and the coco apart from turning into ducks foot?


It’s so hard to say because so many variables and red herrings along the way. Currently sitting here borderline defeated, but too stubborn to let it break me.

So as we speak I’m getting some new pots ready for putting in seeds that are popped and ready to be planted. I decided to do another test on the coco to see what kind of EC was in it. 525ppm! I feel like that’s way too high for planting seeds in! I even tested it before but had used just a skim from the top of the bag and it was a modest 100ppm.

So now I have a bunch of seeds that need to be planted in something. I have brand new fresh coco with an abnormally high EC that needs to be washed and dried down to a reasonable TDS level, which takes time I dont have. Or I have the used coco that I washed earlier today and hand wrung and spread out. I know the used stuff has the right EC level so I’m leaning in that direction.


The last one sounds the best option, it will dry out faster than if you flush and dry the other stuff. What is coco normally around ppm wise.


Well everything I read says you want as low ppm as possible but then I read some stuff is about 500-700ppm out of the bag because of the buffers and I just can’t find the information on how much ppm Cyco coco should be.

But I’m waiting for the flushed used coco to dry out in the tent and I think I’ll just use that and hope for the best.


Do you do a cal-mag pre charge?


That’s funny you ask, this last run that failed was the first time I pre-charged with calimagic. I usually just use it right out of the bag.


That might be a clue. How strong was the calmag?


Like 150ppm worth of it, was a relatively low dose but seeing as the coco already had ~600ppm in it before I even added any water…


Hmm ya that’s really not alot, but I guess who knows how much calmag is already in ‘precharged’ coco?



Oh and new seeds that want a home (tomorrow)

Oh and check out this cool shot whose concept I totally didnt steal from @toastyjakes :wink:


Lovely frosty buds man, what model are the new babies are they trhe same as the last ones that failed?


What’s up with that Dark Devil? Is it a broom?

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