TrevorLahey's Trailer Park 2020

Thanks guys!

Genetics, good light and training. In early stages I’m always tucking leaves aside to make room for new tops, I try to do it every day during the early stages and the side branches will catch up to the apex pretty quickly if you do it with decent timing, then the apex will want to stretch out again I usually just flop it over below the rest of the side branches and the process repeats. Usually the end result is multiple side branch colas near the same size as the main.


I might pester you later when I have some up and running again, just to show me on one plant, when and where to tuck a leaf or two :slight_smile:


Oh shit, I’m doing that right now on my autos… I’ll throw some B/A pics in for you.
Easy Peasy



Ok so @Shadey asked about leaf tucking and I just happen to be at the perfect time for it so here is some before and after pics.

The goal here is to give the main middle cola some competition by making it easier for the plant to use its side branches for photosynthesis.

It’s hard with short stubby plants like these FAMs in these next pics. Just gotta comb around and find ways to expose the side nodes.

Makes the plants look like a big head of lettuce or cabbage or something lol

That’s pretty much the process. Timing is important, which is why you want to try to do a bit every time you’re in the grow. Every day something to tuck, many times stuff you tuck one day will get buried again in a day or two and you have to tuck it back again.

This doesnt just apply to autos this can and should be done to photoperiods as well as its the easiest, gentlest way of training your plants. I’ve used just this method alone, without any supercropping or LST, and created big bushy autos.


OK, I’m with you 100% right up to

I beg to differ sir!..

Bad Sativa… why doesn’t it apply?




yeah doesnt take much, its all in the plant being able to sense light and say if a section is shaded and another above or beside it isn’t it will put its energy to where its receiving it, and when you get the node tops some what level they all take off trying to be that apical shoot


I think you might have misread, I meant it applied to all types of cannabis plants. Not just cannabis either. Any plants that have lateral branching (tomatoes for example) can benefit from some tucking and optimizing.




Thanks Trevor, that was just what I needed to see. :+1:

I have noticed it on some of your plants, just thought it was mutant leaves :joy:

A skill I am going to have to develop, so as not to snap the leaves off :cold_sweat:


So I got the watering system all straightened out for both tents, all the plants are on automated watering schedules now. Starting off with 30sec watering twice a day and increasing from there as needed.

Most of these are about 3.5 weeks old now. Had a slow start again but hopefully things turn around. I’m going to start 5 more for gap filling and because well, the system can support 8 plants per tent so might as well use it to it’s full potential. I have a 2x2 and an outdoor bed if things get too crowded and I need to move plants out.

Also shout out to @AquaTerra I got him to ship me out some MegaCrop V3 and DripClean a couple weeks back and he provided great service at a reasonable price I highly recommend ordering your nutrients from gardentech!

I’m going to use DripClean this time around. My experience with coco has been great but I always at some point have issues with salt buildup that I’m hoping DripClean will alleviate by flushing out salts during each cycle. I do have some concerns but I know others using it in similar systems as mine with success. So 2ml per 5gal reservoir, its really concentrated stuff!

So for now its:

1.4ec of MegaCrop V3
DripClean at 1ml per 10L
30% H2O2 at 2ml per gallon
pH 6.0


Outdoor is, okay I think. Soil looks like its started to get some nutrition being produced and the plants are definitely improving health-wise and are finally starting to grow again. I’m worried one of the 2 known females is already in bloom. Of the hundreds of plants I’ve grown outdoors I’ve never had one bloom this early.

Got a dripper hose (brown hose) installed and it has dripper valves built in every foot or so, snaked it around the plants and run it for a couple hours in the morning. I have some other components to expand the system like a soaker hose and 1/4" drip kits to run to each individual plant.


Very good, certainly works well.


Well done @TrevorLahey :pray::ok_hand::ok_hand: your girls are beautiful!! Happy harvest mate !!


That is Excellent Brother!!

Well Done! :clap: :clap: :sunglasses:



Nicely done


412g!!! Decent haul, except 60 some grams of it came from the runts that I moved to the other tent mid-flower, so it throws off GPW and g/sqft calculations.

Some notable winners were the DDxSBR at 103g and the 50/50 pussy willow mutant pulled 96g which is phenomenal and unexpected.

Not all good news. Had a bit of PM around the stems on quite a few plants didnt seem to make it into the bud almost as if the resin in the bud repelled it in some spots. I just put all the bud that was around the PM into the “smoke this first” pile and will keep an eye on the jarred stuff. It’s nice and dry so hopefully I won’t have any issues in the jars.


Nice haul man ! Drip setup looks nice too. Do you have open lines or some type of emitter ?


Just open lines, I tried it with drippers but drippers fail, especially when bits of coco make it back into the reservoir.


Coming along nicely, about to start flower the oldest ones are a month old now.

The tucking is really paying off with these short FAMs. They may not look like much but I’ve weaved and trained like a dozen branches on each plant to the top. The branches got right thick and strong already, just like the main stalk. They should have a good amount of colas if things go as planned.