TrevorLahey's Trailer Park 2020

Did she shriek when you stripped her n’ked?? :rofl: :laughing:

Great work brother.

If the RH is up :point_up_2: keep an eye on those donkey dicks…

They are great!!



Very nice Trevor, they look amazing. I am defoliating atm as well to stop the pm, the humidity is bad here as well.

How is the outside progressing?


Damn @TrevorLahey you have some sweet ass looking plants! Great job on this grow!


Thanks guys!

@Shadey The outdoor bed is ready to go, still gotta go pick up some hay for mulch. I took out a plant that is most likely going to be male 3 or 4 days ago and put it on the deck to harden off and see how it handles things. So far has been hot and cold and wet and dry and doesnt seem to mind any of them. The other plants are so sickly though I hope I can still make something out of them. Waiting for Wednesday when the weather is supposed to improve to move them outside to harden off too.

I have a bunch of seedlings started in this tent too, 4 of which are photoperiod regs for outdoor, rest are for upcoming indoor runs. Looks like I’ll be growing a whole bunch of autos outdoor this year to make up for my lack of photos :confused: oh well


That Dark Spark is gorgeous!!


Well a nice overcast day with some light rain tomorrow I figure it’s time to put these girls in and just roll with the punches. They were screaming for a transplant. So I sprinkled some myco powder in the hole and in they went. Two in the middle are for sure females, two on the side are probably male but still wont show. Looks like I’ll be filling in all the empty space with autos and small photos because I’m seriously behind schedule here.

And some pics from the indoor grow


A good size for the start of the season just started raining here. Are you making seeds with the boys, or just not 100% on the sex yet?

Tents filling up nicely, how long they got left?


This. As much as I’d love to do some open pollination I gotta be respectful of others growing nearby of which I’m sure there’s a few. These possible males definitely have some nice traits but will meet the axe if they happen to develop some :eggplant: lol


A few of them could be called “done” now as they are just throwing out superficial pistils here and there and not much else going on. There are still 3 (I think) that need another week or so but if they dont hurry up theyll be chopped too to make way for new plants.


So the plants in the outdoor bed have been doing some yellowing.

Figured it was a nitrogen issue, but checked to be sure. Almost zero N, very low P and medium K

Strange as theres plenty of good organic material and manure in here. Well I fed them megacrop for now just to keep em alive and did a top dressing with bone and blood meal today.

Watered it in nice and good. Man the flies really love this stuff. I have a fly problem here and it’s probably going to make things worse. I tried to find alfalfa meal but it was damn impossible to source locally.

Unfortunately will have to keep feeding nutes for a few weeks until the amendments do their thing.

I have some indoor updates too but I’m in the middle of harvesting and would rather post up all the harvest pics at the same time.


Still sceptic with filling with clover? hum|nullxnull I love the bank to watch them grow … Aplausos|nullxnull


Its not that I’m skeptic, I have a big bag of clover here that I’d love to use it’s just that I already have regular aphid infestations that usually start in the weeds surrounding the garden area, and was really trying to prevent them this year so introducing something that would attract the very pest I’m trying to prevent is counter productive.

I sowed 60 or so marigolds in here a week ago and they’re just sprouting now. Some goutweed managed to get into the bed though as well as a few other weed seeds so ehhh just gotta get some hay down asap.


Here they stopped using hay as mulching because it brings a lot of insects and wild seeds on it, one never knows … :sweat:

Edit: it was imported for feeding the cows, but the warning remains :sweat_smile:


I looked for alfalfa meal last year and couldn’t find any, that’s why I bought the seeds to grow it. Thrips like afalfa as well lol. They should pick up soon.


Built the irrigation system for the other side!


Looks great, nice job Trevor.

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Thanks! I already made a few changes to it, and I have another 8 port manifold coming tomorrow (the same one I use in the v1 system). I had a few goals when making this new version and most of them I accomplished.

V1 had a poor return setup, the drain was at a weird spot and made collecting runoff for testing messy and the hose was always in the way when I wanted to remove the reservoir for cleaning. In V2 the drain pipe can swing out of the way or detach easily, and can be adapted to drain the runoff to a central waste bin outside of the tent.

V1 also lost me about 2" of growing height because of how I had to position the crates. It matters in these setups.

V1 also didn’t have an easy way to bypass the manifold and empty the reservoir to another container. In V2 I used much simpler plumbing from the pump by using flexible hose that can be push to fit. When I want to dump or remove the reservoir I just pull the fitting off the hose and I’m ready to go.

I’m surprised there’s not a lot of information out there on return to reservoir systems. It’s a low cost and efficient way to keep things automatically watered without dumping out gallons of waste water. I’m quite happy with my 2x4 system, it’s easy and it costs less than $75CAD to build. If it weren’t for the janky way I have the mouth of the drain setup I’d make a guide in case others found it useful lol.


Harvest Update

So all the plants from this round are harvested. Been chopping on and off for about 10 days or so I think. I did ok, not my best result but certainly not my worst either.

The big yielder this run was the Dark Devil x Sugar Black Rose by @ReikoX check out this monster!

All the others were the classic Dark Spark. Had a lot of variability in this batch which is great I have like 5 or 6 flavors in total here!

The runt

And this pussy willow mutant here I think is the star of the show:

The mutation was different this time to what I’m used to seeing. Usually the whole plant does the weird broomy trait but this time only half of the plant did it while the other half was still dense buds. Either way it resulted in some killer looking bud and was one of the top yielders.

So yeah that run is a wrap, next run is already underway but I’ll make a separate post for that. Outdoor bed is a work in progress but they seem to be doing alright today. More updates incoming!


Fantastic grow Brother!!

Love the mutant. :+1: :sunglasses:



That SBR plant you are holding is very impressive Trev, amazing what warmer temps do. I am very envious of all that nice smoke your going to have lol.

How do you get your autos to branch out like that?