Tropf-Blumat Watering System

I’ve been using blumats with blusoak tape for my living soil beds in my basement for about a year and they have been amazing.

Just ordered a strainer from sustainable village to put in the supply line from my rain barrel (haven’t had any clogs, but lots of debris builds up in the barrel so thought it’d be a good idea) in the spring and summer I use that, and in the winter I valve it off and use a bucket res inside on the other end of the line, up on a shelf.

They also make carrots with a bottle adapter that I’m going to try in the veg tent on 1 gallon containers.


Im thinking of using BluMats any suggestions on how many carrots for a three gallon bucket? What do you use for fertilizer or nutrients in a soil arrangement?

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For a 3 gallon bucket you could just use one carrot, generally people put them on big living soil beds, at least 30 gallon fabric pots.


I just posted this on Wubbalubbas thread, he was asking the same question.

If you move your pots about a lot they are a pain, any movement will dislodge the carrot (moisture sensor) and if air gets down the side of the carrot it will dry out and the water will just keep dripping through until the res is dry. Twice I came down to 40 liters of water all over the floor. I ran a perpetual grow so plants were going in and out every 3 weeks and each time you have to re set all the carrots and dial them in again.

If you dont move your pots much or are away from the plants for a while they are a good tool to use, but with such a light pot, I was using 10 gal, they may dislodge or there may be not enough soil pressure to keep them under control.