Twenty20 🌿 Best Growers Magazine

Stunning images
Detailed cultivar descriptions, germination guide, and more!
For Growers - By Growers
FREE at GLG (just pay shipping)
greatlakesgenetics #Bad_Dawg_Genetics


also check out Maxium Yield Cannabis hands down a great source of informatiom + Just ordered my mag with some fem freebies $10.00 can’t beat this ____thanks !!


Good deals. Like Black Friday. BOGO for all seeds? Got the account set up.Piggy bank is fat.

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@Great_lakes_Genetics been my go to, I ordered a magazine. Gimme something to read, with seeds to boot.

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Sorry don’t understand your question about shipping?

It was late. Sorry. I see you have 3 day shipping.


Most order ship within one business day. Thanks bad dog

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Didnt know about this.
Wife would have been in there

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Got my magazine. Quite a nice surprise, it reminds me of the cannabible.

nice present on my birthday.


Happy Birthday @Greenfingers , hope you are having the best day ever brother.


Yes I am, thank you @DougDawson.


Happy birthday. And I hope you enjoy the magazine 2020 genetics did one hell of a job. Thanks for your support


That was a nice gift. GL you push sales. You have some great deals. Twenty/20 are some great gear. Also not sort on strains.


@Greenfingers you must still be partying. Lol that’s my favorite magazine also. I have learned so much information. The back pages show grow shops. Peace. I do like what you got. Nice Choice.

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I’m going to go with them. So much to choose from. I’m wanting to do more feminized. Plus make nice gifts also. That must’ve been some birthday party you’re still typing. Lol

Lol I’m sitting in the parking lot at work. I would probably be up anyway, might as well make some extra dough. I’ve been eyeballing a new light.

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What light? I got enough but I do want one good one. Some are way to much money. I look on Amazon sometimes you can get a get deals. They will sale them cheap. I got some that where on sale. But a hood grow store is the best place to get one. Especially it yours goes out. They have loner’s.

I was looking at a mars ts1000 for a veg closet. $130.00 seems reasonable. I think they are an old style upgraded, whatever that means.

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I love the autos from glg.