🎧 What Are You Listening To? (Part 4)

Good old track. You heard Vices by Luda?

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Not sure but I dig some Luda. Going to check it out now :+1:

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Listening to Heavens Edge latest album, the “unheard” of band from the early ‘90’s just released their 1st album in 30 years.

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Haha, I worked in a bicycle store in NJ from about 1968 to 1973. The Edgar Winter White Trash Roadwork album was the most played tape (8 track) that we had in the store. Over and over and over, and when I think back I realize that we always played it really loud, customers could like it or lump it… haha.
(In hindsight, cringe worthy poor judgment.)

Edgar Winters White Trash Roadwork 1971 8 TRACK Rare Red Case - Picture 1 of 3


Good album.

This place not far from where I live


Ever heard of mountain sprout @MoBilly? Guess just because ur a hillbilly doesn’t necessarily mean u listen to hillbilly music lol :joy:


I’ve always enjoyed ALL kinds of music

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I listen to everything from classical to blues to western swing to Celtic… I’ve always been very eclectic in my taste for music. I’m a hillbilly by choice in a way. Dad was a lifer in the Army and his duties required moving about every three months to a year. I spent a lot of time going from military bases to living with family in the hills when Dad went where we couldn’t. I figure it was fairly evenly split.
What I’m getting at is growing up a military brat, I made acquaintances from all over the world and grew to love the variety of music from a lot of cultures.
A lot of my family back in West Virginia and Virginia played bluegrass and Appellation mountain folk music. That’s what got me to picking bluegrass then later gospel/bluegrass.
From one day to the next I might be listening to about anything.


Same here brother. I also have wide taste for all sorts. My mother grew up an army brat. My grandpa was a lifer in the army. She lived all over the states and a while in Germany. Thanks for the chat Man U sure are a great guy on here and I appreciate u Man U and others on here are priceless to guys like me for ur vast wealth of knowledge and I thank u for that sir. It’s ppl like u that make me proud to call myself a OG’er @MoBilly


I thank you for that. But as far as growing is concerned, I am a babe. I started growing about a year after Missouri allowed medical. I’ve had some small success’s but in comparison to many others I’m still wet behind the ears.