What Podcasts are you watching/listening to?

Fall of Civilizations,Into the Killing, Peak Human, History Time, Random Interesting Facts, Extremities. Can’t think of any more atm :stuck_out_tongue:


The dude grows show


what about:
Adam Dunn Show
Pot TV
Canna Cribs


I used to listen to podcasts all day at work back in the day and got out of the habit. Just recently I decided to download some and now customers must think I’m simple from seeing me bust out laughing while working (seemingly to nothing).

The Chip Chipperson Podacast is what I’ve been listening to the most and it’s friggin’ hilarious. World Record podcast with Brendon Walsh is pretty good but not as good as his old one The Bone Zone was. I’m bummed they seem to have pulled all the Edumacation episodes off itunes cause that was prety entertaining - a dude who loves random facts would try to teach Kevin Smith these random facts while Kevin smoked weed and riffed on everything.

Haven’t hopped back in yet because they’re a serious time investment but the Hardcore History series is fantastic too.


Mr. Grow It

From The Stash

Tha Boxing Voice

These are my daily podcasts that I listen to.

Can anyone recommend a podcast that talks about growing?

Edit: I almost forgot…
Great Moments in Weed History


Marc Maron’s is funny beyond the product plugs

Breeders syndicate is good but riot is whatever


have recently found out about Mr Grow It via “Know Your Breeder” need to check out From the Stash

Mark Plotkin’s Plants of the Gods podcast is awesome, I tore through them really fast though. Shaping Fire, Cannabis Cultivation and Science, Growcast, are all really good. I’m all caught up on my regular ones though and am looking to branch out. Been filling in the gaps with Radiolab lately. Don’t usually do true crime but I did listen to “The Springfield Three” recently because I grew up there and was a teenager when all that happened.

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Does anyone here subscribe to a patreon for any podcasts?

I have considered getting into hamilton morris, the potcast, and a few others, but the fact that they are made by individuals means that output can be very spotty. This makes it hard for me to spend 10$ a month for a podcast that might only come out every month and a half.


I hadn’t ever considered it but The World Record Podcast with Brendon Walsh cuts off with a message that says “to hear the rest of this podcast join our patreon”. Part of me wants to say screw that on principal but another part of me kind of wants to know how much I’m missing :laughing:

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Just downloaded a bunch of episodes of Larry Lawton’s “the real deal” podcast. He was a big time Jewel Thief that got busted and did hard time in Atlanta.

My older brother was a casualty of the drug war and did time in and out of various jails and prisons, so I can relate to some of the content, though I’ve been lucky enough to stay out of prison myself.

We should all be doing whatever we can to help reform this country’s criminal justice system, it is seriously broken, and does more harm than good.

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The Dollop - A perfect mix of absurd American history and comedy.
The Crabfeast - Storytelling podcast hosted by 2 great storytelling comedians with weekly guests.
The Honeydew - Great storytelling podcast that focus’ on making light of bad/depressing situations “Highlighting the lowlights”
WTF w/ Marc Maron - I cherry-pick for guests I’m interested in
Last Podcast On The Left - Well researched topics from cryptids to serial killers. Hosts do a great job of using absurd comedy to break up the sometimes brutal topics.

…Also recently started listening to The Darkhorse Genetics podcast. Interesting information on subjects from Breeding, Opening dispos/facilities, crazy industry drama, and good growing techniques.


If you’re a dumb loser like me, then you may love Matt and Shane’s secret podcast. Fucking hilarious to me atleast



Dude dives deep into the college admissions scandal, the NRA, and Jerry Falwell Jr and Liberty University. Crazy stuff man.


I listen to about 3 Chip Chipperson Podacasts a day at this point and walk around wondering how anyone doesn’t. I also crack up randomly at it on customers properties which I’m sure makes people wonder. I have mentioned it before but holy shit can it be funny.

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Thanks for the recommendation. I gave a listen last night while I was trimming and was busting up🤣

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Lots of great podcasts on here! This one is not cannabis related but if you have a chance, check out the “last podcast on the left”. Comedy, history and crazy stories all in one!


Glad you liked it! My favorite parts are when he talks about anything to do with his mother/Reggie/Lamar (especially when a pet is involved) and when “Chip” makes fun of “Jim” :laughing:

I was listening to one the other day where he said he got taken off the street in a van and sexually abused for 8 weeks. The guest was like oh Chip that’s awful and Chip was like “Yup I didn’t even get to see my cartoons cause straight after school I’d have to get back in the van”. They were like wait they let you go every day? Why didn’t you call the cops? He said “I ain’t no snitch”. Then he said it would have been 9 weeks but the van moved and when he finally found them they told him to stop coming around :joy:

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