Whats the longest time

Whats the longest time you leave a seed in a moist paper towel before you call it dead?


I didn’t leave them in paper towels for long, I sowed them after a week of nothing.

Some came up after 6 weeks.


Me 10 days but I put in in soil just incase

But after 10 days they almost never work

Try sanding the shell with a nail file


3-4 days…paper towels

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In paper towels, 5 days tops.
In a shotglass of water, 4 days tops.
Direct in medium/coco, 7 days tops. Might wait 8 or 9 if I feel it may help (it has only once)


5 days in water, then I fuss with them and try to pop their shell. If there isn’t any more action in 3ish days I sling them into them woods and hope for the best


Well these have had a package date of 2022, so nothing nearly that old.

Are the shells noticeably large and thicker than regular seed? I’ve had to manually crack a few seeds to get things rolling.


I heard on a podcast someone suggest not paper towling for more than a few days, his technique was:

three days warm wet paper towel

if no tails try to sand/crack

one more day warm wet paper towel

after that either pitch em or put em in dirt

his thought process and experience was that the warm wet environment that kick starts seeds can also cause them to rot. Not that seeds wont pop after a long time (I forgot the specifics but it was longer than I expected), but that too long of time in warm wet paper towel will killem!


Nope, and I just checked it, I have a tiny lil baby tail coming out so its good.

My method is I soak it for 24 hours in a solution of 1.8ml Liquid Humic Acid in 1 pint of Distilled water, then I go into the paper towel until i have about a 1/2 to 1 in tail, then into the media.


I’ve had it go both ways. Sometimes the seed rots, and sometimes you end up with little sprouts in your paper towel and baggie.


Maybe seven days.

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