What's your night cap look like? Share it

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This is how I prepare for my night I’d love to see what everyone else does do you have a route certain music etc anything really, as for me my GSC for tonight pack of camel crush rolling papers been getting back in to joints idk why but that’s what Ive been on lately then smoke while I chill then take a walk around my hood while listening to music and it’s a good night :slight_smile: lol

Almost forgot I also chill and talk to my plants be4 bed tell them all kinds of cup cakey shit lol I hope I ain’t the only one if I am Oh well hahaha


much better pic

My spot.

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Do I have to pick one. If so Scott"s OG


Damn love the set up its like a beautiful mess in a great way… looks like a good time lol nighty thing for you?

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Never have to just pick one lol and never had that be4 but now I’m definitely interested

I’m pretty much twenty four seven.

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Man, bills have a lot of bad microorganismes. Dont touch herb with bills. Btw, your plant loks better now, @El95124

Me, prefer smoke outside at nigh, hearing music or with a book:

Only a joke…


That’s what I’m saying, it’s bubblers packs all day, then whatever I’m been smoking on gets topped with a nice layer of keif. Last night it was grapefruit diesel.


@MiG Love your set up and outside is definitely a great place to enjoy smoking especially reading outside love that

This is one of the books I’m currently reading very good book so far would you recommend anything? And btw the dollar bill I just use that since I barely started smoking idk how to roll so I learned how to do it that way. Any better ways that would be easy for me to learn


I never have read cannabiculture books, but sure ya find in your one all the theorics n more… The indoor is so much difficult than outdoor. Outdor in mother land or big pot of soil, is the easiest.

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I’ve never actually read any weed books. I learned everything on icmag. I roll comes with tips, it’s easy once you have the tip rolled it just basically rolls itself. I used to be terrible, I ‘boat’ the edges and it’d come out all pregnant and shit… It takes practice.


Here’s tonight’s… A little Vortex to enjoy the evening…


Gonna be Dabbing and smoking with some no name shatter and bud while watching the last season of lost. No spoilers please :slight_smile:


A little Sour Diesel from my flower shop to keep me going tonight… It’s Friday night y’all!

Stay Hazed,


Everybody has some nice glass looks like. Alright whose going to make the thread?

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Hehehe… I might take the helm on that one…

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I hate pot growing books. Bunch of shitty stoner science. I burned mine. Fuck them for teaching me everything i had to forget. Some books i recommend is one straw revolution by masanobu fukuoka. Teaming with microbes, teaming with nutrients, and teaming with fungi by jeff lowenfels. Oh shit sorry i started rantingXD ill get a pic of my nightly stuff