White spots on leaves

Not sure what BORG is, but they look fine. Keep doing what you are doing!

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You eed to Invest a few bucks for a strong magnifying glass.

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That’s a good idea! I’ll see if I can’t find mine

Looks like tiny insect bites. They can handle it.

Stare at them intently and say, “Deal with it.”

Oh yeah, using synthetic nutes doesn’t exactly help their immunesystem either.


:joy: Picturing this is killing me!


Look on the underside of the leaves with a magnifier and see if you see these:


If so you have spidermites. You should check any other plants you have also, even if those plants are not cannabis.


I’d check for bugs as suggested but if nothing is found I do see this once in a while, in fact a pink bubba I’m growing right now exhibited it in the early stages of just water, once given nutes I found it dissapeared. I’ve seen it many times, never seemed to be an issue.

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Thanks for the pic @Oldjoints now I’ve got the heebs all day long lmao


Speckling is indeed a sign of spider mites, but it could be other things as well. As recommended by others, I’d definitely inspect leaves with a handheld microscope or jewelers loupe if the trend continues.


BORG = two spotted spider mites

If your humidity is high it could be powdery mildew starting, or damage from thrips or mites.

I would do exactly this :point_up_2:

It is also a good idea to inspect the underside of your plants leaves every once and awhile as they are growing. If you see any other than beautiful green or anything use your microscope or jewelers loop.

This may be a great time to be thinking about Integrated Pest Management (IPM) going forward. Especially considering that you will be growing outdoors. There are all kinds of IPM that you can use. I just grabbed this one from a quick search.


I would go for thrips, fortunately not the Borg … :sweat_smile:




Do fungus gnats cause this damage? I’m almost positive I have those after doing some reading. I’m going to cut back watering everything an see what happens

Fungus gnat larvae attack roots. Mites or thrips are suspect. No time like the present to make a IPM. Watering with a spray bottle can cause simillar spotting if leaves are wet under intense light.


I can confirm thrips. I believe they came in from my compost dirt I tried using for some of my vegetables. I checked out my compost container an can see adults. What are my next steps? I’ve read elsewhere that spraying with essential oil an soap can help, has anyone tried this?


If you get a castile soap with essential oils like Dr. Bronner’s, that will definitely knock them down, but likely won’t eliminate the problem.

I’ve used Captain Jack’s Dead Bug Brew with good success in veg, I wouldn’t use it in flower as it can leave a residue that is harmful to smoke.

I’ve also head azadirachtin is useful as well, follow all label instructions.


Are these thrips? I didn’t mean to disturb them while they mate lol


Way too large for thrips.

Those are fungus gnats and you will have more soon … :see_no_evil:

Better add some yellow sticky traps … beer3|nullxnull