Who here likes Neem oil for pest control? Who doesn't?

I’ve used Neem before always with good results, esp for fungus gnats. Basically it’s either Neem spray on the leaves for prevention & on the soil for soil based critters & things that lay eggs in soil; or a weak solution of unscented dish soap with isopropyl alcohol to spray directly on the weebeasties. Always worked great for me and
nontoxic ingredients are a plus. Your thoughts?


I used to use it but it can taint the flavor of your bud. That’s why I stopped.


I use it awesomely. Its great. Saved all my moms and clones. I wouldn’t have my cuts if it wasn’t for that stuff. I swear by it. Just not in flower. Also the citrus smell is great. Took out the borg. Took out the gnats. Love that stuff.


Neem is almost always my first choice if I catch a problem early, I don’t find it very effective once a nuisance has turned into a real bug/mold problem. Just got done spraying some outside :+1:.


Mentor has sworn by it as long as I can remember. Absolutely loves that stuff. He’s 35 years in cultivation too!


Here! I use it. Need to mix some up for my outdoor grows.


In veg only but yeah stuff works on most everything


I’m going to go spray some in my tent just for some extra ipm. Thanks for sparking my flame!!! :fire: :bug: 🪲

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I love the smell of neem oil in the evening….smells like….Victory. Here’s what Soma said about it in his book, “Organic Marijuana Soma Style”


I spray just a bit into the soil as I’m filling the container. Ensures that any eggs that came in with the soil are neutralized.

RQS says this:

The organic cannabis grower will find the benefits of neem oil to be a pest and fungus-free garden. Neem oil remarkably only targets bad bugs in your garden and leaves good bugs alone. A regular application will suppress spider mites and white flies, fungus gnats, and nasty nematode infestations. Ladybugs and butterflies, bees, and earthworms all remain unaffected.

Regular application also suppresses a number of other pathogens that can affect cannabis. Powdery mildew and rust, rose black spot, and other fungi endemic to humid and still conditions cannot take hold. Neem oil can also be watered into the growing medium to prevent or control root rot, while acting as a mild growth stimulant.


I water a bit in my pots every so often to control anything I miss. Like eggs or a gnat infestation


Good for veg, not for flower.

Good at night, not with light.

Good for bugs not for rugs!



I’ve heard it said that Neem oil can throw off the taste if you use it in flower. I’m not sure about that. Obviously do not spray the plant while it’s in flower. But my last grow I had several occasions to use Neem in flower (I’d say I used a lot, always spraying the soil) and grew some of the most amazing strawberry smelling weed I’ve ever had. If that’s what Neem does to the taste then sign me up.


I’ve sprayed well into flower, half way almost. Stopped when I was pleased. And had no ill effect on the flower. Just don’t persist until the last day. Also people saying don’t spray in light, I do that as well and don’t incure any burn. Maybe I don’t drench them. But I’ve had no ill effects. Drys too fast. Maybe it’s my rh 35. :rofl:


I didn’t know ladybugs ate bug eggs…hmm. Neat.
I like neem oli. Used only it for bugs for years now. Avoid spraying in sunlight or with lights on, and test landraces before mixing a strong dose. 1 Tblsp/ gallon is fine for everything. Add a couple drops of dish soap in a gallon.
@Pawsfodocaws I’ve sprayed midday outdoors and it’s no good for the plants. Dries too fast as well. But yeah in general unless a plant is right under a high pressure sodium light I’ve sprayed with lights on and most plants handle it fine. Just do a sample area first. Some landraces are fussy. I’d imagine hybrids are used to it.


Idk what I’m doing but I spray under my hps setup whenever I feel like it., literally just did. About when I said I did. And still no problems. Never had any issues. Now I don’t use a crazy sprayer or drench them. But it never seems to hurt them. :pensive: maybe if I made them completely drenched I’d get burn…idk?! :rofl:

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I’ve used neem oil for fungus gnats. I feel like it does take away from the final product. Another great alternative is using some LABs as soon as you see the gnats. If you have a bunch then I would consider getting some predatory bugs to eat them up and spray the LAB once you see the population dwindle down.

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If you use Safers End all it contains Hydrophobic clarified neem oil in it.Dont know if that counts as using neem oil but it’s very easy to use.Don’t have to Cut it with water it’s already mixed just shake the bottle and spray doesn’t leave a bad film or impart any bad taste to the plants as long as you don’t spray it on flower.Very little to no burn with it either everytime I used neem I burned the shit out of my plants I even used the good cold pressed stuff at low doses.I use sulpher for mold so I don’t get it anymore to have to use neem The End all kills all the rest.

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it did nothing for fungus gnats. maybe it’s useful with something else. i had to use something stronger to keep them under control.

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Got rid of mine and I had a bad infestation. Gotta saturate the soil, it neutralizes the eggs. I have not found Neem to be effective when sprayed on the insect though.