Who the F*** wants to cancel DST?

UH-oh don’t turn this around on me LOLOLOL, and all this mental health stuff LMAO You a politician, eh? JK LOL

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I think I want to move to the tropics with 12/12 all year and no snow, DST GST PST STD PTSD??? No problem man, eh?


And I didn’t come in when the street lights came on I live in the country on a 100 acre farm. There is no street lights. If it springs forward. You get more afternoon light in summer to do more things and some light in the afternoon in the winter. Dst is horrible for my farm there is no benefit.

Just spring ahead and leave it there. Later light in winter for the kiddos and later light in summer for the sports team. Or for me just more light to do work on my farm.


On a serious question, how does it mess with the farm, I thought the animals just did there circadian thing, or is it the disruption in the human production side that affects the animals? No kidding here, I’m very curious as my pets just react to our schedule change…
I had to come in when lights came on, but I got over it lol.

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I hope Ontario does the newfie thing, split the difference add a half hour and stay there.

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Just as an added note to sports, pond hockey and baseball after dark builds character. Adds a few dental bills but builds character none the less, lol.

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I’m gonna do you one further. Not only do I hate DST, I hate timezones. The whole world should be on the same clock, 24-hour time, GMT, no stupid timezones. Let people and their employers figure out when to start/stop work. We do it already… it’s not hard.


The animals get affected only if I change my schedule if the time changed from 8 - 7 for example and I did their chores at 8 and I do it 7 they don’t care. If I keep doing it at 8 it messes their schedule rhe chickens don’t seem to care but I can tell it affects my cows. Their use to seeing me at a certain time, getting watered at a certain time and getting their hay dropped off at a certain time. Cows are really in tune with schedules. Bulls do what bulls do but cows keep schedule and do very similar activities each day. To the point where my whole fold will walk the exact same path to the point where it turns to an indent in the field. They could walk the whole field to the water but they take the exact same path everytime. Cows are just so peticular about certain things. Many people don’t care if theirs cows are bugged. But I care. There my family. I love them.


Oh so Canuck, I just hated freezing my feet off. And then wearing less wet socks the next day for an extra period before frostbite over and over, yeah thats what it was character building?? LOL. Had a great idea once and tried no socks just like my hero Bobby Orr d’uuuhhh…Ahh the hockey puck in the jewels (also known as the overtime winner), walking home in the snow and sidewalks with our skates on, the scolding was nothing compared to HNIC in the 'hood. All because of standard time…OOPS quit messin with my mind Doug LMAO

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That’s exactly what I was trying to say up there.

Time is but a mere construct of human pattern recognition. We can easily adapt to a time system that is unchanging. I’d gladly go to work at 4am if it was equal to 6 am that I leave for work at everyday. No worrying about adjusting to their dumb hour change. Hate it! :wink:



Dude. Don’t tell anyone. I’m one foot in the banana boat already…just can’t figure out how to get the dog in easily. M’fing private jet quoted me 26-41k U$D :man_facepalming: Daaaaaayumn. Can’t go as cargo either. F’n QE2 or Queen Mary or some :poop: is the only cruiseliner that takes pets & doesn’t do tropics. If I wouldNT die, I’d already be paddling a f’n canoe the 2600 miles & be taking selfies of huge fish caught along the way. :+1: :surfing_man:


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We had a chance to ‘soveriegnty associate’ with one of those Carribean islands, when they heard of our ‘Quebec’ ‘proposal’ at the time. Missed the banana boat on that one, I’ll find out who that was…thinking Dominica for some reason. Imagine that a carribean province, no customs, and we’d have ‘Merica’ surrounded, LOL. Shit it was Turks and Caicos and the offer is still there WTF are we waiting for??? If they have DST does it fuck the whole deal? LOL We could still select “NO” for question 2 on the pogey questions… winter looking for work in the tropics, collecting UI…retirement plan for regular hosers eh?

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Its dark now, be nice when its dark at 8 pm in a cpl weeks. Really feels like spring, literally overnight!..then we have an April blizzard…but it will be lighter afterwork in rush hour, during the blizzard lol


It messes with my sleep disorders enough with the shorter/longer daylight hours, then they mess with the clock. Always have trouble this time of year.

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Our goats and cattle next doors would blat/bellow for an extra hour at night wanting to be fed.


Looks like were stuck with it till next year…thanks peeps…The studies have been around about negative effects for years, but does anyone consider real money spent adjusting back to 1 hr less sunlight during evening? Regardless, we all adjust anyway. My REAL reason is this, I have a water access cabin that I cannot access safely in the dark so I will lose probably 10-12 nights at the cottage per year= less money spent in recreational areas, less time enjoying outdoors, sitting at home friday night, getting stoned instead (just like winter)… I can’t make it to the Marina in time, after work. And besides, Bass season doesn’t open until late June, here, cuts into fishing time ya know, eh?

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The farmers need it, people need food, why is that hard to understand? I don’t enjoy the change either I always forget and then lots of people are mad at me and since I’m not a farmer I don’t super get it but that’s the way it goes, lots of other countries have it.

You are the only person ever I’ve heard be FOR dst. You have some valid points and I can see why you feel that way, but I personally hate it too. Besides the darkness in winter and all that I just find it arbitrary and inconvenient haha.

Thank you for the compliment. Its a quality of life thing for me, not money… My bloomroom may suffer when I open it an hour early a couple times until I adjust, could cost major bucks, I suppose.

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For me getting dark at 9:30 instead of 10:30 in the summer isn’t a big deal. Leaving for work in the dark AND driving home in the dark in the winter sucks out my soul lol. I think we should split the difference and just leave it!

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