Why do I feel like I'm overlighting my grow?

The par was very low in this grow and took a long time to finish that’s why the foliage is so faded from having the light turned up too high

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How low was it?

In the 500s

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With the lights at max? Even playing with light distance?

No the lights in the picture are in the 590s but I had them turned up and they couldn’t handle it before turning them down to the 500s

The last plant I grew decided it wasn’t happy at 1100 and preferred 900. That’s a good target.

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I can’t get it that high without stressing the plant. Seems like I can’t get past 500s ever

I’m not sure I can be of much further assistance.

I’ll tell you that my last light did 900ish at 16” and was productive about 18” down.

My current light I’m still dialing in but it’ll do 900 at 14”

Like I’m staying at 70_74°f and 50ish RH

Ok thanks for the help :slightly_smiling_face:

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500s should be easy to stay at assuming they get warmed up to it. For my seedlings I have them go to 500 PPFD in the first week out of soil then they stay at 650 ppfd until flower. Link your lights if you can. Maybe the spectrum of the diode is bad idk.

Not sure how to link them but they are from Amazon

Aewonda ae1500 led grow light

SZHlux p2000 led grow light
And I’m sure they are currently sold out

I see many issues here, too soon 12/12, too little water… But too much light? No i would say too less judging by the photo. The lights are only one link in the chain to a good run.

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I agree with you, that was a bad example but only pic of my lights being on

The aewonda are 150w each szhlux at 200 putting you at 500 watts for the three lights in a 4x4. You’re most likely going to need to up the feed/water. The higher you go up in DLI the more often you have to feed/water. When you do feed run some water through it first to get the extra nutes out, feed again, and measure the runoff to make sure your PH is in order. I run 600W of LM301H in a 2x4 so you shouldn’t be having any issues with your lights that far up.


The DLI was around 25ish

Yeah at a DLI of 25 lighting wouldn’t be your issue. Examine the other cardinal parameters and you should be able to find out what it is.

Edit: fixed the image


It was a perfect example of what often happens, blaming the wrong link in the chain for what goes wrong. Those pictures tell me clearly that much went wrong with that grow, more than only the light! Besides, the light can’t be much wrong with it. Just measure the lumen to odd man out.

Check your watering, check your genetics and check the time to flip and of course check the climate. I’m getting great results with old cobs that nobody uses anymore. So blaming the light? I don’t think so, you need to check yourself sir! :wink:


I’ve tried hydro, water only soil, ffof soil , and synthetic nutes and can’t get the results I should be maybe im just idk

For those huge colas you’re aiming for the plants are usually shot with high PPFD to keep the internodes short and chunky leading to less stretch. Afterwards the PPFD in flower is even higher to maximize cola size iirc 1100-1300 according to bruce bugbee.

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