Why do I feel like I'm overlighting my grow?

I would like to add that having a Fan blowing, just below the Height of the Lite, will remove a Lot of the heat that the plants experience…

Proximity of the light to the Canopy is something you might want to explore…

Intensity (defharo) overcomes brightness. it can get closer, if you remove the heat

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co² consumption tells a lot and, with sufficient number of correlated data points, would serve as a good indicator. Would be interested in seeing your findings. As to bias on your method, not at all. Experimental methods derive a finding then, if envisioned, potentially drill down the complexities.

FWIW, we had built an experimental chamber of sorts instrumented with numerous sensors along with spectral control … but have been way too busy to focus on that … for like the last three-four years. Last thing we were looking was o2 saturation at the roots along with uptake rate. I need to find the time to get back on these things. Such questions remain compelling.


Just dope. Add the CEC rate, and you’re close to an egoistic harassment until you’re back at this ^^ lmao

On co² probes not much ground breaking datas seriously, i stay a farmer in the fiber and one very focused on plant’s expressions. I’m not even really interested by direct production outside what mean really “yield” as a genetical funnel (another complex one).

The co² capacity of a batch is picturing strictly its level of health and level of metabolism. You can even see in the charts, when you’re watering, the dry/wet cycles and if the timer is relevant for their needs (more obvious in pure hydro). Also with cross-comparisons the drastic differences between a batch infected by predators and one that is clean.

I’m dreaming to get back one hermetic space with the LED technology (0.7-1Kw panels), unfortunately my crops are not longer a rentabilized equation that permit this lol ^^


Oh, there is plenty of self-harassment that serves as penance for laziness.

That is valuable. Consider posting up some of that to a storyline.


I was wondering what DLI would you recommend to target 30-35 range?

70-74 for Temps are probably the first thing I’d fix if I were you. I had a rough transition from HPS to LED until I realized that LED doesn’t produce IR the way HPS does and as a result does not produce the same leaf surface Temps. A plant in a 70 to 75 degree room under HPS will have surface Temps several degrees higher than ambient whereas there will be next to no difference under LED. Leaf surface Temps (as well as humidity) play a big part in keeping the stomata functioning as they should.
TL:DR get your Temps up to the 80-85 range and I think you’ll see a marked improvement.


NanoGaget is correct. With LEDs you need to be closer to 80 degrees and your plants will be happier.

Also, something about using LEDs seems effects the uptake of Cal/Mag, so adding a bit extra helps.


Research and find out your par over length in a tent usually advertised by the vendor.
Many info on recommended par amount. The rest is vpd.
More efficient light=less leaf surface temp
Good luck.
For an unknown strain (like most for me) i let them grow into the light.