Why people say "I listen to all kinds of music" and then they don't?

sheeple …


What, you don’t listen to Nerdcore rap? :grin::joy:

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I ain’t scared… but HELL to the NO!


I think “I listen to all kinds of music” usually translates to “I listen to whatever is right in front of me because I don’t care enough to do otherwise.”

Usually. If someone is making chit-chat with me and asks what I like to listen to, I’d probably say “oh, a bit of everything,” but I actually mean it. I like both country and western. Also disco. I also like noise and field recordings. Today I’ve been listening to Vietnamese folk music, but I think I’m going to switch over to late 90’s British IDM or Edvard Grieg. My “all kinds of music” translates to “anything but pop music.” :grin:


oh it’s not just norwegians. funniest moment at a concert, these guys on stage this ones for all the ladies out there… fucked with a knife!

oh fuck and gg allin was hilarious! this guy used to get naked, kick the crowd in the face when they got close to the stage, fight them, shit on stage and roll around in it and throw it in the crowd… fuck for years he threatened to kill himself on stage every halloween


It always is based on my mood. Some days the music I bop around to in the car drives me nuts other days.

My EX was county. My DH is old country. I like 50,60,70’s and all three of my daughters played in orchestra as do two grands. But that sure isn’t what they play in the car :rage:


I play the bass.

I get to play in orchestras, jazz bands, blues bands, blue grass bands and most things in between.

I still don’t play 1/4 of the music that is out there.

Music is so personal to so many people, I’ve taken to listening more, and speaking about it less.



Salutations V1ru5,

Oh my goodness!

Well, i got to admit i’d require some translator next time i switch from:

YouTube: Depuis le jour (Louise) - Renée Fleming (2011-Apr-27)


YouTube: Rammstein-Küss Mich (Subtitulado en Español) HD [2018-Jan-22]

At least now i just need to go from Spanish to French, 2 latin languages… :es: :fr:

Good day, have fun!! :peace:


This post made me laugh. out. loud.
Well done!

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Whenever anyone inquires as to the type of music I like, I usually respond that I have eclectic taste in music.

Even though my preference is jazz and classical, I prefer not to alienate anyone right away.
My experience has led me to conclude that most people hate jazz and despise classical.
So I try to initially play nice.

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Hi again Calyxander,

I can see why, it’s like mistaking 2 different doors giving access to 2 very different events…


Yet both types of artists cover a same universal subject once in a while.

More samples from Rammstein, for example:

YouTube: Rammstein-“Stripped” @ Eden Arena,Prague 28/5-2017

YouTube: Rammstein - Sonne (Official Video) [2015-Jul-31]


Good day, have fun!! :peace:

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Greetings @Egzoset
I am somewhat familiar with Rammstein, as a talk radio host I listen to occasionally, plays Rammstein as his in and out bumper music.
A little too jackhammer discordant for my taste.

I do, however, enjoy the artistry of Renee Fleming very much.

But that is only what my ears interpret.


Hi there Calyxander!

That’s a contrasting form of energy, i found i had to be selective about what i pick but this music doesn’t shock me as much as it used to. Artists have their own kinds of language, none represents them all. The distance between my 2 samples seems obvious, i may have acquired “filters” that help in appreciating those a bit more than i can with other categories.

Some filters never going to be accessible even if i try hard, that’s how music is. There are people who listen but don’t really receive anything when others are reached directly, without a double-layer of translations… Music being a language in its own way (if we ignore words), which i find fascinating!

Good day, have fun!! :peace:

For me “all types of music” would be an outright lie.
I listen to specifically talented or eclectic samplings of each genre.
For Rammstein this one and angel hit home for me.

Steelers wheel or Mamma’s and Pappas, is as close to “hippy music” as I can get, as Jerry Garcia’s message never got through to me.
Tree beard would say like Saurumon my mind, these days made of Metal.

it’s true, i always listen to classical while driving and when someones in my car they are generally polite for the first 5-10 minutes then go ok i’ve had enough of this shit now and change the station

many people only like 1 type of music. I say I listen to all kinds of music because I listen to many types and, the average person doesn’t know ALL types. I listen to music in at least 3 languages and still not listen to All types. I do not listen to all types.

a little taste in Portuguese


I like most types of music, but polka rap is my fav.



Sometimes there’s more than a particular set of partition notes on paper. Recently i was searching for a mix of gothic vocal growling effects hopefully combined with some “diva” voice, only to find it’s not an exceptional musical “recipe” to juxtapose these most contrasting “instruments” together.

So, i recently got a frontal hit with some great piece (Cathedral Walls) i could no longer ignore, as it started to invade me but for no motive i could figure out right away. Then i eventually found out about the truth of two creators behind this music that fascinated my cognitive ears (…), only to verify that suffering and adversity can be prolific engines of art, capable of leaving quite a lasting impression indeed.

It turns out this couple were partners both in music and also everyday-life, their work proved increasingly efficient at elevating their listener’s minds, to a point demonstrating how art makes immortal, so to speak, though their unique magic spice can never perform its wonders again simply because the guitarist actually lost his mate (and singer) to cancer.

Of course it felt particularily cruel discovering a precious gem and then learn it was a mirage echo that’s gone a couple years ago, while for the remaining widower the sky was falling - which appeared to fuel his drive in carrying his lost bride’s contribution to the world, since by chance an album was practically ready and even more material was available for a new band.

In any case that magic synergy lies in the past, there can be no more, which inspires me deep respect and sympathy.

Just a couple weeks ago those generous strangers didn’t exist, nor did i suspect their whole universe before it was too late. Yet i find their legacy profoundly touching, not to mention i’d feel honored if anyone did such tribute for me.

Sometimes a same song ain’t perceived with equal attachment once enough fragments of context are acquired which can start falling into place.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:

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I don’t listen to all kinds of music. But, I do listen to what I like and I like different types of music. I like: some Gospel, select Classical, some Bluegrass, Country (both real Country and New Country), ROCK and a lot of sub genres.



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