Will drying in a tent with fan/filter running dry my harvest out too quickly?

I’m getting close to the end of harvest and didn’t realize, I really have no choice but to dry my crop inside my 4x4, but I also can’t have my entire basement reek like weed. I wanted to hang both my plants whole to ensure a longer dry, but am looking for other options/opinions. thanks for the help OG FAM.


Get a humidity controller and hook your fan to it. Close up the tent and set you fan to only come on if your humility gets too high.


Ditto what @Tommy_McCain said

I actually use that controller to control my humidity in grow room… can confirm it’s a good purchase.


If you live in a desert climate put them in a paper bag first otherwise they’ll be snap-dry in 4 days.

If you live in a humid climate it’s fine. Maybe let them dry 3-4 days before you put them in paper bags.

I just hang dry in a still corner.


Thanks for the advice. Should i still run a small desktop fan on the lowest setting so theres still some slight air movement?

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This is something I was thinking about myself, since I don’t want to stink up the house when I actually reach harvest. Problem is, I’ll be running the lights still since I’m going to succession plant every month. This is going to get much more expensive if I have to get a separate drying/trimming tent with its own carbon filter. I still have to put together my first tent to put my 3wk old plants into, so I’m really just getting started.
Great, now I see myself sitting inside a zipped up tent just big enough for myself and a small table/bucket… just like when I’m ice fishing lol. I think my weather pod fold up shelter could work for this


Hey, ill bust my shanty out as well. Its insulated so probably get hotter than hell in there.


On my last harvest I used my tent to dry mine. They were in there for 5 days and then put into burping containers. I didnt have any issues…might of dried just a bit quick but they did sweat once i had them in containers and it was fine. However this go around I was planning on doing what @vernal said. I was going to dry for a few days and then paper bag it. Btw when you use a paper bag do you just layer the buds and roll up shut the paper bag and just leave it alone or what?


I’ve done the bag thing. I mixed up everything in the bags every few days. If you are in a dry place, often a fan over a bucket of water is enough. Otherwise do what I do in the winter. I buy a fog maker from House of Hydro and hook it to the other line of the humility controller.

This is also how I keep from buying a new humidifier every 3 months in the grow room. I made my humidifier with a 5 gallon bucket.


Nice!! Appreciate the info bud. Always willing to try something new


thats exactly what I do. Only way I can slow dry in the high desert

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Yeah, just be sure to stack very loosely and let them breathe a bit, you want to keep them as moist as possible for as long as possible but not enough to mold. It’s more of an art than a science. Check frequently. A somewhat crispy exterior and a moist interior is ideal for slow drying. It should take at least a week, 2 is ideal. Slow dry is much more important than a long cure.


If your fan has a dimmer you can slow it way tf down also. I wouldn’t bother with the fan inside the tent, the ideal for me is like a slow trickle of air moving through the room.


Agreed. A nice still corner of the basement is what I use. There’s some air movement but not much at all. Granted, I have a dry mildew free basement. It’s just easier than playing wet bud fire drill moving shit back and forth chasing the ideal cure. Hang and forget about it until I trim.


If using the paper bag method, would it work better to leave buds attatched to the stems to slow the dry rather than trimming and sperating?

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Depends on humidity. Like I said, more of an art than a science. I tend to leave them on until trim time.


Thanks for the help guys. My tent sits around 50-60% RH with the fan running constantly. I think ill just buy that humidistat so the fan can kick on when needed. Im going to take off all fan leaves but hang the entire plant whole to ensure a slower dry then dry trim everything.


That humidity is about perfect for drying actually. As long as your not blowing a fan at/around them you should be ok. I’d leave the fan leaves on until it’s time to dry trim. By dry, to me that mean all the big leaves are dry, and the buds don’t feel moist to the touch but are still playable and soft. The stem shouldn’t be snap dry yet. Trim what your going to, then cut to sections that would fit loosely into paper bag and fold it over. Check daily, place into jars when the stems snap but before the smaller buds are crumbling dry. If it sweats a lot within a few hours or the first day, leave the the jar open or just covered with a paper towel/cloth for a bit. Then close lid and let sweat a little and burp/breath it daily until your satisfied. Should be dry but not crumbly, like popcorn. Break open a larger bud and check it, should be dry enough to be broken up and smoke without trouble lighting, but not crumble when you squeeze or pinch it between your fingers. It’s sometimes tough to tell between moisture level and just bring very sticky/resinous.

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This is what I would do, hang them for 5-9 days. 7 days at that humidity is optimal at 50-55% and TEMPS at 65-75 degrees.Once the stems “bend” not snap they are ready to jar up, you want the buds dry on the out side and wet on the inside that’s when they are ready to jar up. After you have Jared them put them somewhere dark for 24-48 hours to sweat then open jars and pour all the bud out to check for moisture levels you want the moisture from the big buds to rehydrate the smaller buds that were dryer than the larger ones. If buds are soaking wet pour out of jars and leave out for 3-4 hours or until they are dry on the outside and moist on the inside. Once that’s done put back into jars and if they are not soaking wet when you open them up for the first time after jaring them dump them out and move them around for 1-2 minutes and put them back in the jars. Repeat the process for the next 2 days.on DAY 3 - through day 7 open jars take off lid leave buds in jars and burp for 15 minutes every day.After day 7 then every other day for the next two weeks (21-24 days for total cure 3 weeks roughly) open jars and burp for 30 seconds then tighten lids back on. Then after the 3rd week or so of cure when you tear a bud in half you should hear a snap or pop sound ( means the buds cured perfect) then open jars ONCE a week wether it be to get a bud out to smoke or what have you but open jars once a week for 10 seconds until all the bud is smoked up this keeps mildew from getting in the buds.


i have for sure dried in my shanty more than once