First harvest and drying conditions

Not sure if I’m posting this in the correct area, but here goes anyway.

My first indoor harvest is approaching in the coming weeks. I have 2 plants in veg that will be ready to go in to the flower tent by then. My question is how cold have you ever had to dry a plant?

I was going to cut and hang the plant whole just removing remaining fan leaves then dry trim before jarring to cure
Basically I can’t use the tent to dry and it’s not possible to get my only dark area up to 60f.

Garage is too cold during this cold snap and house is too hot and dry. My heater is struggling to keep the garage in the low 50s. Tent is fine during lights out and can hit 80s with lights on. Anyone got any advice or tips from past experiences?


Dont dry in tent with lights. 50 degree spot whats your rh there. Really low?

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50 degrees can still bone dry bud in few days if rh low and airflow high. Im thinking outside cold plus space heater probably 30% rh.

Yeah I wasn’t going to keep it in the tent with lights. Not sure what my humidifier can do in that room but its probably around 30% baseline with no humidifier. I have a partially open fish tub in there that helps some.

Thats another thing whats it smell like there. The buds will absorb whats in the room with em.

No foul odors maybe the smell of aquarium water and weed.

If it smells like clean air id go for that spot. Limit amout of air going past the bud first couple days to see how its drying. If it seems too slow move more air by it. Once it gets outer crisp but lil spongy jar it and deal with it burping.

I dry in a sealed bathroom. In the summer the rh stays where I want it. In the winter I need my inkbird and a humidifier.

It might be worth the $100 to sort out your climate just right.
Or you could cheat with Boveda.

All the best.

Just set up a tent to dry 1 of my 4 plants. Put a cloudline T4 in it and seems to be working well. Getting your drying environment dialed in will help not destroy months of work growing. You really do want a slow dry IMO.


I agree you want to dry slow and cool as you can short of mold or stuff like that happening

Yes that’s what I’m afraid of wasting the plant and time.

I just know I can’t hit optimal conditions for both temp and humidity anywhere right now. The old lady is freezing to death if its below 70 in the house.

Thats what i meant if it seems too damp like not drying right then more airflow. But other than that nice cold slow dry is best.

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When lights come on tonight I’ll start running the humidifier full blast out there and see what it can do out there. But with temps of 1f or 4f at night my heater can’t get it up to the 60’s.

Thanks for the help @rooted , @DougDawson, and @Foreigner !


It doesn’t need to be perfect perfect but it does need to be close.


I never hit optimal temps or rh. Even in the grow. I run 30% rh flat out forcing more uptake to be needed at roots to keep em hydrated. Vpd isnt all its played out to be.

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Same goes with drying. Think of it how many ppl have your exact issue? You think they all make it perfect. Far from it. Just use common sense. Adjust as needed to keep mold away and not dry too fast. I personally would not add any moisture. You can limit airflow to the bud it will create its own rh level around it.

Well the humidifier didn’t really change the rh enough to justify running it out there. Good to know I’m not going to destroy it at lower rh.

The airflow is very minimal out there unless I use fans, so I think it may be manageable. Thanks for giving me some more confidence for the upcoming chop.

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Sugar shacks