Wizdoms Auctions ... 🌲

Now it’s a party.

Bid $100 on lot #1

…and if I win, me and @mota are gonna meet IRL over some pizza in Berkeley. And I’m gonna give him the seeds and find out how working in the woods in the PNW differs from landscaping in New England. I might even share the story about how I met and was befriended by the Unambomber’s Harvard roommate as a teenager in western MA at a science meeting in 2001.

@Pixie65 :slightly_smiling_face:


I will close my section at 11:59 pm. Thanks to the generous bidders! Stay up OG!


$30 on lot 2 @Pixie65


You can end the auction or keep it going until whenever you like.


And a most excellent bid, if I may say so myself!

Two sides of the same coin, no doubt!

That’s some of the good stuff, again, no doubt! (When I was an infant, my parents apparently were friends with the parents one of the Manson family’s later to be killers. I don’t remember which one it was.)

That would be most excellent. Have you ever been to Tony’s Napoletana in the City?

Here’s their menu. This is serious pizza. It kicks ass! And the garlic bread is absolutely to die for! No kidding! They make this agave/garlic dipping sauce… :yum:

Why would you want to see perfectly good seeds, perhaps better than perfectly good, come here to die? ROFLMAO


I’ll end the auction at 11:59pm, same as Hashpants’

@Hashpants What time zone??

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Eastern Standard. One hour and a bit left


Auction will end at 2024-07-11T03:59:00Z

First time using this feature for timezone. Hopefully it’s correct.


I’m literally sitting in my garden right now, in Cupertino…in the foothills of California. Watching :honeybee: pollinate the plants, while making imminent plans to have some amazing pizza with a new friend I met in the ether thru magic (transistors, silicon, and math in the form of tcp/ip packets and routers shaking hands and extending cryptographic keys to each other).

All cause of the love of a plant.

Me thinks the plant is up to something and we are along for the ride.

Pretty cool 🪴




You have picked one of the finest.


this bean batch landed,
ak48 + WMBK + OGKcbdXACDC

thanks for the incredible gear, at even more incredible prices! @Wizdom



all good man i will send you 60 us i am in australia if you can track it as well thanks. 10 packs let me know how mutch tracking to add. thanks. bro. danny

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Lot #1 has been packed and sent.


@Wizdom …Shit all the posts Im liking cause I’m just checking the site I’ll see a post a I like and get all excited and go back up to the top and realize the giveaway had been posted over a year ago but if you possibly might have an extra have an extra one lying around amd not in soil or water yet this deadhead skater chic would live to give these seeds a try

about has an extra been of taht strain this deadhead would like the opportunity to grow ittell me some about the deadhead plant I’m being one of Jerry’s kids and ha ging out I. Festival park ng lots all through my twenties id love a shot at trying not grow this how hatd is it to

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Please enter giveaways like the rest of us to win seeds.
Thank you.
There are numerous giveaway’s constantly going on :slightly_smiling_face:


Is this still open? Nevermind

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Thanks Wizdom


Enjoy mate. :v:

Skunk will show proper way sticker should go.


Hey @Wizdom ! Goodmorning sir hope all is good in your world ! Can you post a new auction this week ? How about some of your stuff ? You have any old surplus of your seeds ? Mabye surprise bag of seeds 5-10 seeds mixed ? Just an idea i love these auctions they keep me busy all week and gives me a reason for being on OG if snyone asks hahahah Bless you and yours again hope all is well ! There you go an auction of stink or stank all depends if your north or south of the equator hahah

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