211 first guess

216 sec guess

261 third guess
Thanks @ervasagrada for adjusting my thoughts lol
Thanks for the chance @Wizdom

1 Like

213 for my first guess
333 for my second guess
436 for my third guess

thx for the chance @Wizdom

345 for my first guess

477 for my second guess

305 for my third guess

First guess 201
Second guess 210
Third guess 204

Thanks for the chance @Wizdom! :+1: :green_heart:

1 Like

240 for my first guess

329 for my second guess

333 for my first guess

1 Like

315 for my second guess

222 for my third guess

212 first guess

322 second guess

438 third guess

420 for my first guess
210 for my second guess
378 for my third guess

thanks @Wizdom!!

1 Like

210 for my second guess

378 for my third guess