"Yes, I really do need all these plants." 🤣 Autoflowers, photoperiods, bugs, breeding, & a Humboldt heirloom (journal)

Hope you are feeling better @RainToday
I know I am :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Thank you so much.
I’ll definitely tag ya when they drop.
Appreciate you :pray:

Looks like you have a budding young artist on your hands 🫶


It’s rained today in my mailbox!:joy:. Thanks @raintoday seeds landed.



Doing their job beautifully are the ladybugs. I saw a brown scale today, they’ve been gone for months. Argh. I have surrendered. Just under $20 a month will get me a constant supply of ladybugs. They never exterminate the pests, but they do keep them under control well enough that with healthy plants my grow does just fine.

On the plus side, what I’ve been reading about epigenetics suggests that seeds from my plants which have experienced pests will produce more resistant plants.

Sometimes there’s a clear winner, but here in the Awoken Dragons I think there’s only a clear loser. I think the one on the right with yellow leaves is actually just unhappy because its run out of nutrients and needs transplanted. It’s roots sew the most impressive, and I bet its going to be at least as awesome as the middle plant. The itty bitty one is the one I had to help emerge, it’s stayed very small and slow growing. Unless I hear a reason not, I’m going to feed it to the worms (along with a bunch of other rejects from other projects) and up pot the winners.

Next up, the Zamaldelica Express F4 mom got all the top parts chopped off. Nearly all those seeds were mature, and she was actually making some fresh pistils on them.
This way the lower parts will finish up, and if she feels like a bit of a reveg then once the rest of the seeds are gone I can hit her with some other pollen.

Here are some F5 Zams growing already - I culled the stunted one. Something about that soil is off for sure.

Mimosa from @Ris in 2 gallon pots. Nice bushy structure, no training, just did some leaf tucking yesterday & fertilized the yellow one a couple days ago. Planning to up pot and send to flower soon. Don’t want too many things blooming at once, but there is a size limit too. :laughing: @Ris any idea how big they’ll get if I send to bloom in a month from a 7 gallon pot? :joy:

Next up, the Woodrose 28 x Grapefruit are looking lovely. Very uniform, nice stinky stem rubs. There’s two here in front in 2 gallon pots, and the large grow bag has 12 girls moved directly from stunted and suffering in solos to crowded, fertilized, and 12/12. They seem quite happy now. Looking to make single colas each. The chosen winners of this cross based on size and vigor turned out to be more than half females.

This is my “test” bloomer, it was supposed to be a chocolate Thai cake auto from Nukeheads. Its a gorgeous plant, but not an auto. I messaged them, no response in over a month, so :-1: from me for them. It smells distinctly of rotten peaches.


Get a couple of Mantis…


Sounds familiar :expressionless:


@Jhamersburg I was looking at them, a bit worried about keeping them fed, and here they come in egg cases only, which means hundreds. My mother and brother are pretty tolerant about escaped ladybugs, mantises might be a bit much. They’re spectacularly cute when tiny, and smart and gorgeous though. Might have to try some. I’ve got beneficial mites around too.

Next up, the Lemon Pie Auto x Ciskei sativa are looking like they’ve done their first stretch and are ready for real flowering. I’ve appreciated this thread from @Upstate greatly, and have been up potting more gradually than I would have otherwise. They are in 2g pots right now. Next up I plan to move them to 7g or 10g final pots and into the greenhouse for full flowering. Expecting they will stay under 5’ for me at this point.

I have 3 gorgeous Beast Mode regs going strong now from @Carty and plan to add a few more now that I’m sure I know what made them happy. (KIS new soil)

And here’s a future girlfriend of theirs :wink:

The Afghani autos are finally happy with me @Kasper0909 so I think we’ll see some nice girls. This little one is a trooper though, and the male is dumping a little pile of pollen. I forgot a photo, and Maui says not to get up so no pic of the boy today.


Looking great Rain :cloud_with_rain: no worries on Mother Nature
she really is a fair one. Feel free to cull away anything that doesn’t suit your gardens needs.
Those dragons get a crazy stem rub smell real early on let me know when some smells do arise. Your
Garden is always looking fantastic keep up the great work. Best of luck with the new projects you have going on as well. :call_me_hand:t2: :100:


Looking good! Even that stunted lookin happy. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Lol!! Just potted them up, and found out why that one of the awoken dragons was so much happier - it had sunk a nice root into the soil below :rofl:


These plants definitely have a mind of their own
:crazy_face: You do an awesome job at taming that jungle you have there. :100: :wink: :palm_tree: :evergreen_tree: :deciduous_tree: :sparkles:


@RainToday . I really enjoy reading your grow journal. Your plants look great and the whole thing is put together so well. :grin::rainbow:


Good morning @RainToday anc fellow growmies. @RainToday i wonder what is going on with your soil, is it too hot ?or maybe ph is off .
It is starting to get a little warmer out getting closer to some sunshine,can’t wait


'Morning @Mrgreenthumb :smiley:
Had a 6am work meeting this morning, thank goodness I got to go back to sleep for a bit, but feels like a bit of a late start now. I’m headed out to the yard to plant apricots. I found the Puget Gold apricots at Costco for $20 each nice bare root tree. That’s the kind known to do well here, and I got one to fruit last year. So I went a little nuts and got 3. :rofl: Some day I’ll measure the square footage of my tiny yard and you guys will really understand how funny that is. :wink::laughing:

Too hot is my soil theory, because when I up potted photoperiods into it they thrived.

I did find out a surprise about that poor stunted seedling in the last picture later when I pulled it up. In this case, the big plant in the pot has gone crazy with its roots and filled the whole pot. It was quite dry and filled up with the root system of the other plant. Cannabis definitely seems to inhibit the growth of other cannabis under or beside it.

I had switched about 1/4 of the soil in that larger pot for the stuff the not-home-bred seedlings didn’t like. And indeed that’s where the seedling was. The big plant actually looks a bit nutrient deprived though. Yellowing lower leaves, and poor trichome development.

It’s a home cross tester, so if I ruin it, no big deal. So what I did is take off the loose bits of top soil, spread organic fertilizer, add a quarter inch of fertile peaty soil and then a sprinkle of mulchy / barky stuff on top. Either it’ll be really happy, or else unhappy in a way that I might be able to figure out.


@RainToday package arrived. Thank you!


Thank you @Raintoday! Seasons greetings to you too :santa:

Will get some of these outside after the last frost. Your generosity is much appreciated.


I saw this picture and wanted to ask if your plants in the clear solo cups are slid into a colored solo cup or just left out in the clear cups? It is my understanding that the roots do not like the light and it affects them negatively. I too grow seedlings in clear solo cups so I can pull the clear cup out of a red cup to check on the roots.



:laughing: so, the story is I don’t actually have any matching size colored cups. I started with what I had, and they seemed to do fine, so I left it, and then forgot about it completely.

I was poking around a bit and found this article Which describes root differences, but in very different plants.
Compared with plants with roots grown in fully exposed light conditions, plants with roots in darkness have increased main root length and lateral root number, while root hair length decreased. Silva-Navas et al., 2016). […] Interestingly, dark-exposed roots were less sensitive to salt and low nitrogen conditions compared with light-exposed roots (Silva-Navas et al., 2015).

My instinctual thought was that having the clear cup might keep the plant from “wanting” to grow so many circling roots, since it perceives the light and perhaps that could affect it a bit like the air pruning of fabric pots.

I think I ought to run a trial. Will need to wait until after I do a round of veggie starts for the spring outdoor garden. Then I’m thinking 3 categories:
-Clear solo
-Clear solo + opaque one
-Clear solo + opaque + tin foil rim topper to really block the light at the edges of the cups.

Run 10 plants each category, take photos every 3 days, end with washing the root systems once the biggest ones start to outgrow their cups.

Input very welcome!
(@ThePotanist what do you think, has this already been checked out?)


Roots would simply turn away from the direction they perceive light.


I would think so too @globalhead but in the limited space it seems they don’t quite have enough not to. But I haven’t compared closely mine to some grown in a solo in darkness.

Of course the big one was a boy @Kasper0909 :laughing:
RIP handsome dude!
Interesting thing was his root structure was very much tap root focused. I pulled on him and it came up just like this. Normally I get a big chunk of soil held by a bunch of fibrous roots.

Gabagoo Beast Mode round 2, 4 up :seedling::green_heart:

And of the first three Beast Mode, two are males @Carty and one unknown yet.

Also up :heart_eyes: are two Forum Stomper x Chem Candy from @pharmerfil

And something has pierced and sucked or bitten one of them and some others of my babies. It is only in my recycled soil, not the fresh stuff. I do have lots of bugs in there. If I knew which ones it was I could plan better to manage the issue.


I’ve had seeds germinate and then stall…sterilized those pots with HOT water, hope that fixes it.Beast mode looking bright :heart_eyes: