20% OFF - Mars Hydro Fall Prime Deal

Mars Hydro Fall Prime Deal
Up to 20% off! Code MarsOG will save an extra 3% off.
Shop Now!
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hey mars,

the coupon code doesn’t work in the checkout.

could you give me any help?


I had trouble at first as well. It takes longer than you would expect for the code to change the price. At first it just grays out the code and seems its not working. Wait a little longer.


i recieved all the time “this code doesn’t exist” … i ordered anyway, fuck those 5 dollars lol but thanks for the heads up

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Just check the code, it available for all sites now. Except for TS600, SP150 and 70x70tent, all of them work.

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Too late :man_shrugging:
But thanks lol

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Very good deal.

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