'22 Fall Co-op open for sign-up **(CLOSED)**

Somewhat new to the site and a bit confused. I am signed up for the Goji run. There is a 3 by my name. Thanks to all involved for your time and efforts. What do I owe and are all other runs closed?

Im kind of confused as well. Do you need to sign up for single seed runs THEN sign up for the co-op? Or do you just need to sign up for the co-op? Asking for next year.

Payment sent,
Thanks @G-paS for the amazing job you are doing!
Edit: I also picked group B instead of A
Sorry about that….


I’m paid up as well, thanks to everyone involved in this amazing system we have here…Overgrow the world! :sunglasses:

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go to diygreenlife site in the first post. You are in group A so choose that in the dropdown list with the $6 shipping, then add donation of $6 for your 3 strains. Make sure to put your OG name in the checkout, theres a box for it when you go to checkout and put in addresses. Done :+1:

Yes. you needed to have already signed up on a co-op seed run thread when they were open. All these are closed. Then you wait for a thread like this to come up telling you what to do from there.


Greetings…if it’s permitted, gonna PayPal payment for myself (13 Runs) AND @GMan (14 Runs) directly to you. 27 Runs/$54, sending $100, Balance can be for “Supplies Donation”. Monies to be dispatched promptly upon your approval/acceptance. THANKS, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: SPECIAL NOTE: This certainly will be the Mother Of All Boxes!!


So what’s up with the “seized by customs” notation? @G-paS It’s the only one I signed up for :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


You sign up for individual Co-op seed runs, this is how they get to you.


Did the chitral get snagged going to USA but to Canada and rest of world they got there ok ???

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I would assume it’s just an error bud, I sent the PCK in the same box as Sour Bubble.


No @ifish , I have the Canadian portion and the PCK for the rest of the world made it through customs with the Sour Bubble.


Your a star @DougDawson big thankyou from the uk : )


Thanks for all your efforts and work on the seeds, I am happy to be able to take part in this.

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Glad I spotted someone with a bigger number than mine… almost felt guilty.

Hard to find a better deal anywhere!

Thanks to everyone who did a run and @G-paS for all your hard work. Seeing that list is crazy! I don’t envy the 1000 questions you be asked in the next few days.



Lol, yeah it’s hard to find a better deal than free. Pay shipping and packaging, seeds come free, lol.


For a brief moment I was disappointed to read it was snagged.


I bet but rest assured all is well.


I’m pretty sure I paid for the fall box already and even kicked in something extra when I did, not sure how to prove that. Would I have been sent an email receipt?


it opened this morning so im pretty sure you couldnt have paid before that.

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Idk why I’m so lost :crazy_face: