24 or 18/6 vegging. Vote here

  • I prefer 24 hours
  • I prefer 18/6
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I have tried both ways and canā€™t justify wasting the electricity.


Like I said in the other thread, I really only add more light if I have some freak clone that wants to flower on me or something along those lines. But to each his own. :relaxed:


Actually the thread changed. It was hours of light for CLONES than it went to veg time. I use 24 hours of light for rooting clones. I agree that for veg, growth, moms, 18h is best


Ahā€¦I see nowā€¦yeah I should read. Lol. But yeah I clone under 18/6, too. Ok Iā€™m out, goodnight yā€™all.


18/6 everyone needs sleep


Iā€™ve been using 12/12 with a 1 hour light period in the middle of the dark cycle.
Normally run 10pm to 10am and have lights on 3 to 4 pm as an easy check time
in case they need maintenance.

When I do run longer light cycles, I use 16/8 - figuring 8 hour night is good.


With @Guthbuster. Misread title. Nah leave me as the only guy on OG using 24 to veg. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


As plants do stretch during darkness , I prefer 24/0 for the 2/3 weeks of vegging to limit stretching.


That is my mother maintenance cycle, or what I use when Iā€™m trying to ā€œsitā€ on some plants while waiting for the bloom room to open upā€¦ Usually its more like 12 on/ 5 off/ 2 on/ 5 off, but Iā€™ve done 6on/6off/6on/6off with similar results: grow slows, plants remain healthy but solidly in veg.

Took a few years to wrap my head around the fact that cannabis doesnā€™t respond to light periodsā€¦ It responds to dark periods. Keep a (non-auto) plant from being exposed to more than 10-12 hours of uninterrupted darkness and it will not bloom, no matter the amount of ā€œlight hoursā€ it gets. Obviously, it still needs a minimum amount of light to remain healthy, but blooming is triggered by long nights rather than short days. Dark periods matter, so I give them darkness: 18/6 -b420



Mā€™well if i were to try anything like that again then iā€™d most probably choose to play low-profile and aim for 4 autos divided as 2 complementary 12/12 sessions which leave no transitional traces on a logging meter when run side-by-side via a power DPDT relayā€¦

Good day, have fun!! :peace:


sometimes when iā€™m being cheap iā€™ll even do 16/8


I ran 24ā€™s for a couple of grows and found that although the plant matured faster getting to flower it was also shorter and more compact in size and had more smaller budsites, it was not worth the extra electric for what I got out in yield


Canā€™t recall where I read it but remember that it benefits the plant to have a resting stage.

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Salutations Uncle_Al,

Was its stem thick, strong and nicely irrigated too? Which iā€™d expect to be useful until flowering, then maybe one still has to verify if 1 single schedule ainā€™t enough even for autos: perhaps different plant needs must be addressed differently, according to a cultivation phase.

Good day, have fun!! :peace: