400W from clones to harvest

High everybody!
i would like to show you my oldest grow trying under 400W HPS in ground medium by Plagron.
Orange Bud
White Widow
NYC diesel
Big Bud
Pot of gold
all by clones.


White Widow

New York City Diesel


Pot of Gold


Orange Bud

only dry u get high

Any Questions Guys??

Greetings from Tennessee Bandito, very nice fist, that you’re still in New York? Good luck.

Hey Alpine. Yes Im still Here!

Hello, clones are yours?

Hi Bandita “New Yorker”… :slight_smile:

From looking at your photos I wonder do you have habbit of cutting of big fan leaves at the finishing stage? From my tests I wouldn’t recommend it as sometimes it just pushes the plant to produce more small leaves but this time in the middle of the buds, which makes final product more leafy…
Keep up good work!

P.S. Don’t hesitate to share your thread in our current contest.

Alpine, i had clones from one breeder in czech republic

LemonadeJoe actually After time,I share the opinion that it is better not cut them

I hope u will like my next quick report under 600W garden

Hi, how did you get here? Good luck.

Sorry, did not belong to thee.