A small greenhouse too humid for germinating seeds?

My missus thinks it might be a good idea to germ my beans in her little greenhouse … I was worried initially about damping off , roof rot . The unit is sitting right next to our propane space heater . My tried and true way is under my T5’s … ample ventilation , light etc .

Thoughts ? I don’t want to piss her off and not use her mini greenhouse lol …


How warm is it in there? I just lost 5 seedlings to damping off (cool basement, pots on the floor, maybe 63 degrees in there).

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Not sure yet , we’re putting a thermometer in there now … Was worried about the humidity lol …

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There isn’t any condensation on the outside tho .

Worry about temperatures more than humidity.

Seedlings love higher humidity and warmer temperatures.

Older plants can handle colder/drier conditions easily.


I germed my autos last year in one. Worked just fine. If humidity gets to high or it gets too warm just unzip partially. Mine was outside though and I did have to deal with algae. I’m in Southern Cali and our average humidity is about 68%. Come April it got too hot and I moved germing straight to the sun to deal with. Hope this helps.

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If you soak your seeds in a hydrogen peroxide/water solution it can help break down the seed coat and add oxygen to the seed, resulting in quicker germination. It will also help keep damping off, and other bacteria, from killing your seedlings.


What’s the ratio of that?

1oz of 3% hydrogen peroxide mixed into a pint (16oz) of water.

Good for quick seed rinse or the seeds may soak in the solution for up to 24 hours … longer isn’t recommended.