Afghan Power, Critical, White widow under 2x600w HPS

Thanks to all of you!

Ivanski123, you´re right. Better have good seeds than shitty clones. My plants were only three weeks on 18/6 light period and look how they grew up! Even bigger than i needed and moreover most of them were cut with FIM technique. I think clones don´t even save time of growth, because you have to wait before it builds up the root system and mostly you have to cure it from illnesses too and during that time they don´t grow up much.
Good choice of strains, I have bought Toxic Hulk for my next round too, we can compare the results then :smile: .

Oleskool830, it´s more luck than my skill.

At this side of room is a window I keep slightly opened. The fan i oscillating and blows cool air through the tops of plants and also at lightbulbs. It mixes with the hot air and…

On the other side runs 800m3 fan with carbon filter, that takes the hot air away, into my living room, so I have free heating :smiley: