Ah Dequilo.....if only we were closer

I have :slight_smile: again my backyard

I did at Rikers Island cold turkey thought I was going to die :frowning:

when I got out at least 66% of the people I grew up with had ODed and I knew I was weak

and love the poppy way too much

so I have never done it again as I would be a junkie in a New York Minute

now Pot I work at smoking myself to death everyday without any luck

but still I give it the old college try Go Attica !!!

enjoy the the day and grow well



An Overgrow gathering would be awesome. Have our own little cannibis cup.

Opiates are tuff. I’m on suboxin. Dope is crazy cheap and everywhere in Baltimore. As I’m sure everywhere else. I’m tired of working my schedule around going to the clinic. But it beats being sick. I am working on getting off the subs. I’m at the point where I’m just getting to old for all the bs that comes with that life style.

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Contrary to being weak, you have proved how strong you truly are​:muscle::muscle::muscle:!!!
What ended up being your favorite smoke from last season?


I have friends in Pig Town :slight_smile: and dope is indeed cheap everywhere but as a old dope shooter

told me not long ago

stay away from the China White it is full of Fentanyl so do the Mexican Mud (brown dope)

they are not able to cut with with a white powder

@LilJonB my wife just kicked a 15 year legal MS contin addiction (90 mg a day) I thought she

was going to die at one point she did it cold

I am sure she will never do that again :slight_smile:

Good Luck My Friend



well here is the thing what we smoke at Dequilo’s place is what I can BoBo’s Blend ™ :slight_smile:

so it is a mix

I do have some inside stuff that was but taken down so long ago just weed at this point

sometime I will get my shit together

Be safe and stay well



I always wondered if mixing different types of weed in a pipe or joint and then smoking it would give a little clue as to what mixing those strains with breeding would have in store for us.
I was addicted to prescribed oxy myself. Nasty shit to kick. I thought I would die too. Legal heroin is all it is. I’ll stick with my weed now. In search of something that kills my pain but not my ambition


one season I grew poppies here :wink: it looked like Kandahar we did not score them

but made pod tea

it helped my wife a lot but I did not partake

than she got on Morphine and so I stopped

Good for you it is a way for folks to control you thru an addiction

peace and be safe



I think you were shooting heroin at just the right time! Yes, it cost you more than it does today, and you did stupid things to get it, but at least you could trust it was heroin! Today, chances are pretty good that you’re getting it mixed with or just straight up Chinese synthetic fentanyl, and that shit is very unforgiving! Lots of very seasoned heroin addicts have lost their lives to it.

So, the moral of the story is, maybe shooting $200 of heroin every day wasn’t good for you, but it could have been so much worse if you were doing it today. AND - you’re still here, with us, and smarter for having made it to the other side.

And now a little musical interlude that captures addiction in a way that you have to listen to to appreciate:


Do it do it do it! Bro you are a genius! Overgrow camp! You gotta do it now! Everyone byob! Bring your own bong. I still got to clean the tent from the merry prankster family reunion! Omg that festival was crazy! 500 hippies in a flooded field! Haha. Find a real big private venue! No cops…


I’d be all about it if it came at right time


I hear you there My Friend I lived thru the French Connection dope that came to the City

that China White had dope fiends dropping like flies :frowning:

sadly with dope fiends if dope is fire we look for it and die

all good points I tell people I was not arrested I was recused :slight_smile:

Love Tool



Molecular reconstruction is at 44km of a beer can.

Not even close

Being that guy hold my beer while teleport… where did my beer go shows up destination site .6 seconds away 44km.

I’m saving up for a helicopter