Air Flow Splitters For Air Pumps

I’m curious if any of y’all have experience with this. Do air flow splitters connect to just about any “aquarium” air pump for hydro? I’ve been pondering on running DWC with multiple smaller reservoirs which I think would only be viable by having one pump run 8 or so reservoirs and it wouldn’t need to be super high powered since the reservoirs will be much smaller than the typical 5 gallon

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My pump has 4 ports so no need for splitters :+1:

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I understand that there are pumps with multiple outlets already, I have one with 6 myself but it’s way overpowered for the set up I’m trying to achieve.

I’m wondering if splitters attach to just about any pump before I go ahead and order stuff that isn’t compatible. Hopefully someone on here with experience with this sort of thing chimes in

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I’ve got a cheap aquarium pump and it’s got 2 ports and as @Foreigner suggested they make em with other amounts. Or you could put a splitter on the line. It should work the same, function-wise, either way. And just size the splitter same as your port(s) on your pump

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good thing when the issue is temperature

“And just size the splitter same as your port(s) on your pump”

This is what I was planning but typically I haven’t found specifications for the size of the ports on pumps. I’ll have to deep dive into researching the port sizes a bit more because I already know the size of the splitter that I want

I’m not sure what you mean?

An upside of the smaller reservoirs is it will be much easier to manage the reservoir temps and running a sterile reservoir makes temps not matter as much besides for growth rate.

Depends of the building type and what space they have.
But is a good ideia depending of your ability

Mine is 1/4” tubing, same as all the other pumps I’ve had for cloners and brewing teas cause I bought a roll of tubing years back and used it on all of em

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Get a manifold that allows you to control the on/off of airflow. This is like the one I use…


You want to be sure you’re pump is large enough to feed all the outlets with enough air.

Something else to think about: these bigger pumps can be loud (around 90 decibels) and can get hot. A hot pump pushes hot air…not a good thing.


this a perfect example. But is a little expensive.

I use 1 cheap wally world pump for each of my buckets…they last 2+ years…

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Ahh I didn’t think of having a tube attached to the splitter is that how yours is set up?

Yeah that’s the thing I wasn’t trying to get a crazy powered pump because of the heat, noise and power. And I don’t think it will be necessary to power gallon reservoirs

I don’t want to plug in one pump per 1 gallon bucket since it’s gonna be upwards of 50 buckets that’s why I’m looking to have one pump power about 8 buckets, much less pumps to have plugged in.

Air flow manifolds work great!!

I have the same exact pump and manifold pictured above…no issues other than pump running hot!


What size reservoirs are you powering with that pump? And how many? @Alaskagrown

The most I’ve done is 18 5 gal. buckets

But you’re using individual pumps for every bucket right?

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This is what I run, except with 8 outlets! I have 2 for my bubbleponic cloners and 1 for my Nutrient water barrel.

Edited. I have the 8 outlet manifold, not the 12


You use a manifold with 12 outlets? I’m looking at manifolds with 8 outlets cuz that’ll be more inline with the numbers I run per pump

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