All star favorite mighty super heroes

I enjoyed it also. Doubt there will be a 2nd series though unfortunately. :-1:


When theirs a cartoon that’s dope it always never returns
for some odd reasons beknown to the viewers lol


The old 80s movies were cool.
Heather Locklear :heart_eyes:


Now that is another subject if it’s hot woman from the past, EVERY guy had this in their room , attics, cars, storage units… in the 70’s like ME…


Nah, the network canceled it while I was still on the edge of my seat on episode 3, I think. I could not believe it when I heard.

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you have to wonder why a channel would pull a good program huh makes you think?

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Us stoners will watch anything while locked to the couch to be honest so the TV gets a lot more attention from us than regular people :rofl:

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When I was a younger lad my face wouldn’t be watching tv couch locked ,
it would be between 2 warm female legs lol :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :kiss:

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Angus Macgyver.

  1. Feminist
  2. Inclusive
  3. Resourceful
  4. Non-violent
  5. Problem solver
  6. Still gets the ladies but on the ladies terms.

(#2 is Conan of Cimmeria; at 16 he earned his way to the top ranks of all those he came to know by being himself, a barbarian of high intelligence that chose to forge his own destiny with his own hands; the 1920’s short stories and NOT the movies or comics. The short stories are fucking brutal, Robert E. Howard was a nut.)



And he is a handsome bastard.


I love soooooo many of these superheroes and their powers…

But the one I identify with most is Iron Man. He’s just a regular human who comes up with crazy toys… And has personal problems.

I can totally relate, even if I don’t have his bank balance.

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@Ttystikk , just don’t snap your fingers if you borrow on of Michael Jackson’s gloves. :thinking:

Do I even wanna know what you’re referring to?

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Teenage mutant ninja turtles were pretty bad ass. :laughing:
Turtle power. :turtle:

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This! He also can phase through solids objects, throw lightning, AND his ability isn’t limited to physical speed, he thinks add processes information at hyper speed, so he can literally calculate all potential outcomes of a given situation.
My fave.



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Hahaha Banana Man , that’s funny ass shitz…


Best I got in my weakened state and before coffee :laughing:

I always liked Batman and Punisher for that reason. Punisher is the realest though cause he doesn’t even have a trust fund to basically build himself super powers like Batman and Ironman. Nothing but straight up weapons and tactics from a former special forces dude who’s pissed off. It just sucks that at some point the logo became popular with wannabe tough guys.

I’ve never read them but supposedly the original comics were way darker than the version we know.

I always liked Spiderman the best growing up. Sarcasm regardless of what was happening to him appealed to me. Just glad I grew up with the real one before they started passing his costume around in the name of “social justice”.


@Ttystikk you haven’t watched the CGI marvel movies have you?

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Has anyone even thought about Bluntman and Chronic?


Either that or Powdered Toast Man.

IDK, not into comic books or marvel movies.

Batman fucks though. Well, the Nolan Batman anyway.