Any advice on how to get seeds behind enemy lines on a realy small budjet?

I live in a state that’s not cannabis friendly , i only get 900 a month on disability and cant find a way to get to Oregon or Colorado to pick up any seeds. was hoping to find a few seeds to try to help with my neuropathy pain and was also lookin for some thing like strawberry cough( I had a bowl of this about 12 years ago) or lemon haze (never tried but sounds interesting) was hoping to find at least 1 good indica and 1 good sativa strain along with nice hybrid but so far everything ive looked at is out of my price range and or denied to me by my location! I&@#o sucks.


Buy a train or bus ticket and go buy some seeds?!?

You could also head over to the sponsored posts and try to win yourself some seeds.

Or head in over to


Feminized seeds are not that expensive to buy. $30 could easily get you 3 seeds delivered from a seed bank.
If your expecting seeds from the forum seed runs you’ve went about it the wrong way. If you stick around and make an effort with posting etc and become a productive member you’ll certainly find what your looking for :v:


You just be cool here for a month, read threads, respond to peps, make comments, become a “member” . Do that, and within 30 days times you will have all the free seeds from here you need. PROMISE!!! Does not happen over night, give it some time to happen and join in!!!


This is an excellent option, and highly recommended!

And participating in the forums regularly will surely lead to all kinds of opportunities to get some high quality genetics, most of which are usually otherwise unobtainable for most people.


Right bro. Sebring is a great option man he has some good beans and he near enough always sends extra oh and free unexpected beans too thanks again @Sebring :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But you’ve said how much you get a month but that’s what you get total so what is your actual budget like there’s so many options and if in doubt get it to a safe address and not your home address like IMHO if you have no seeds right now and you’re not growing what’s to be scared of? Even if they knock on your door what can they really do.


I’m here!
Just private message me your address.
OG has you covered! :blush:


Congratulations @ripit :wink:

Remember karma’s a bitch.

:evergreen_tree: :wheel_of_dharma: