Need some direction on seeds

Hey everyone!
So, I think I have my tent all ready for my first grow. Filter is on the way from Amazon, got my lights and fans, etc.
Now I need some seeds. I am looking for something inexpensive but not total garbage. Most of the seed banks I am finding online seem to be in the UK?
Is there anywhere you guys can recommend in the US where I can get some affordable seeds that hopefully takes cash (or at least not Bitcoin, etc).
Is there a member here that would be willing to sell me some seeds? I would rather support the good folks of OG if possible.

Thanks :+1:

4 Likes if you’re I the us.


^^ Thread on this

Good luck with first grow!

5 Likes @Automatik


Chitown seeds and DC seeds are good

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DC has some great deals right now

I have been using DCSE (Dc Seed Exchange) for years. They are active in the community, support veterans, reasonable prices. If you choose to shop there i can get you a coupon code for 5% off


They have some sweet deals. @corgitron

Soaknbeans, and Greatlakesgenetics


i can send you a few seeds to grow out, let me know, just send me a dm


I’m going to suggest a “BRAND NEW CONCEPT”, try the MEMBERS OF OG!!! Stateside…@Sebring, @lefthandseeds, @Worcestershire_Farms jump to mind, plenty more. DON’T “Chase the Rainbow”, the “Pot 'O Gold” is right here!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes: NOTE: Forgot @WeTokeChronic…I humbly apologize!!! EXCELLENT gear.


I was going to do the same thing that was very nice of you. @misterbee . And @WeTokeChronic has some great deals. I think I got a hit him up this week and his stuff looks amazing


I think that’s left hand. @lefthandseeds . BLK Lebanon. That is his. She started getting very tall I was worried that I was going to have to either move my light or do a little cramp. She’s sucking right down into the pot the roots are pulling them down so I’m happy. I cannot wait I am very happy with his stuff. I have not tasted it yet I don’t care it is beautiful. That’s the sad part about doing this you spend four months with something and then you have to put it down. That’s why I clone.. She is 6 foot high. That is two feet.


Not sure how often they’re available but Google Sebring Seeds and they’re free… You just pay shipping.

Sebring is a dude here on OG.

If you can’t find any I can gift you a few I have

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Thanks so much everyone!
As always the OG community is a huge help.
I have taken up the very kind offer of a fellow OG’er for a few seeds in the mail.
Can’t wait to get started and document my grow for you guys!!
This is seriously the best group of folks and you guys have always been awesome! I am learning a ton and look forward to the day when I can start giving back and helping out new growers.

Just as a side note…I was talking with a family friend this weekend. She is an older lady…in her 70’s I think…and she has been growing her own outdoors for quite some time! Had a lot of fun asking her questions and whatnot. It sounds like she is just doing things as basic as you could imagine.
I hope I can get something decent going and share my knowledge and harvest with her.

Many thanks again friends! :grin::+1:


seeds here now and speakeasy are my fave us domestics

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To be honest with you. I see a lot of seed banks all the names here I have checked into. The payment method is sometimes not what I use. The banks are good. You have to make a decision on your own. I’m sure it will be ok. A lot of these places are very discreet packaging and delivery. I would not worry too much plus, a lot even guarantee delivery. They won’t know if you’re trying to cheat them or not.

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FYI sometimes before you order from Amazon the elite try Growgreenmichigan there almost at cost sometimes on the deal list an its about 200 to 300 items in that list at a time.


Honestly I try to avoid Amazon as much as possible.

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