Any of y'all into water kefir? (drink for humans)

I just recently got into brewing it and it’s pretty rad. It brews faster than kombucha, it’s pretty neutral flavored/dry because it eats the sugar during fermentation, and it’s a source of probiotics.


Never heard of it, love yogurt kefir, but this sounds…interesting. Give us pictures @parttime!


Being half English I drink tea until about 4:20, then beer.

Honestly, not a whole lot else.


I’m half English, but tea doesn’t have the kick I need, although I enjoy it.


I drink it by the pot…lol

Water kefir is just water, sugar, and the “grains” which are a culture, like a kombucha scoby! You also give it a mineral resource like a bit of eggshell or a pinch of baking soda or a couple of raisins. I’ve let this run a little long, it’s not supposed to be quite so cloudy.

When you’re doing it right, you let it sit for 2 days and then you strain out the grains and you’re ready for the second ferment, like any of these sorts of drinks! These are some canned mixed berries I had on hand, and canned berries look like shit 100% of the time so forgive me for how unappetizing these look!

But it’s good, it has its own version of that tangy flavor like kombucha has, and it gets nice and fizzy, so it’s a solid soda replacement!


Hippy sprite. Mine never smelled or tasted the same twice. Guess my charkra aren’t aligned. Or I was too lazy to clean the jars


Very interesting …
Those pop bottles r made from berries and such!?

I had canned berries and I used it as the sugar source for the second fermentation. You put some of the plain water kefir in the bottle with some fruit, and let it sit at room temperature for like a day and then it’ll be fizzy and you put it in the refrigerator to stop the fermentation.


Awesome I will have to bookmark this sound interesting for sure !


I do the same with ginger, I have a ginger bug in the fridge, I also add, cloves, black cardamon, honey and sugar all naturally fermented.

I make about 20 liters at a time. I have not checked the alcohol content yet, but I know there is some in there.


@parttime I would really like to try this with cocnut water.
Have you ever tried?

I can’t seem to find the “grains” though. I would really like dairy free kefir, seems to be all you can buy from the store though

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I have not tried it with coconut water just because I don’t tend to keep it on hand, but actually thinking about it, I have horticultural coconut from build a soil….

I bought mine online! I bought from poseymom. I could also just send you some, are you in the US? I’d imagine double bagging it and throwing it in a padded envelope would be cheap and make it fine!

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Thanks for the offer to send I’m not in the US but I may actually go on another hunt to see if I can find them agian.

Your post was a timely reminder :slight_smile:


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In India they make a naturally fermented coconut drink called Toddy from the palm buds nectar or sap, only takes 12 hours to get pretty potent.


If it’s anything like kombucha I’ll pass.

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I’ll take a look but I am wanting to do kefir if possible