Any Tangie seeds to sell?

Hello everyone!!

A bud is looking for some Tangie strains to buy… we already found it on DNA genetics but they dont send to Brazil.

Can someone help us ?


What would you have to trade for 10 Crocketts Farm Tangie seeds? DM me details…….


its solved, guys!

@Oldjoints solved my problem! Thanks OG for the space :slight_smile:


we have a strange number of Brazilians here on overgrow. weird.


It’s a rather large country brotha🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes there is an influx. We need to figure who is the distributor to get things going down there.
Surprising as it is still illegal.
:green_heart: :seedling:


I think it’s cause Brazilians love smoking weed just as much as the rest of us :joy:

Love all my Brazilian brothers and sisters :heart:

Can’t let the one bad apple ruin the rest.


Might be the large influx of commercial grows in South America fueling a increased interest in higher quality methods of growing and faster finishing genetics.


srry for this ?

I think it’s cause Brazilians love smoking weed just as much as the rest of us

Thats a true! :stuck_out_tongue:

Might be the large influx of commercial grows in South America fueling a increased interest in higher quality methods of growing and faster finishing genetics.

I guess its because we started the conversation about the legalization and the first justice allowements to grow and use medicinal weed is already going on.

The law about traffic and self consume are being improved and the risks to your grow your own plant is getting lower. People now is considering get out from the traffic hands and grow your own stuff (and better).

here is the weed what sells in Brazil :slight_smile:

no one wants to smoke it for entire life. I even wash it in a warm water to clean the amonia and others quimicals what is created by the plant decomposition. :confused: really bad


That looks horrible! :scream:

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i had some of the washed stuff in my freezer wich i used to get some bho:

and here early the wash
Now you guys know maybe why most brazilians started to grow. We have a national forum too, but the community there has stopped… many days without no one interating, thats when i found OG <3


Reminds me of brick weed that came from mexico .
Looks alot worse though


I guess it is! Here is an article, it is s in portugueese but u guys can eaasily translate it clicking with the right button on chrome. Its tells how the paraguain prensed weed is made…

they let the cutted buds in the floor, just with a plastic covering on the farm, and the things start the decomposition there… later they prense it and accelerate the decomposition process, and that will be arrived weeks or months later to us… so the thing whats arrive is disgusting. :confused:

lol I believe the reason is because it is an international and public forum, but if you want a segregating forum, you can go back to the rollitup or you can go to the growlabz forum created by the discontented OG is a private forum and to enter there you need an invitation.

funny how some of you want seeds from all over the world but don’t want the history and people that accompany those seeds.



you misinterpreted that completely, i just thought it was odd that there so many brazilians, i didn’t mean for that to be taken out of context.


so sorry bro, this is a problem of communicating through words sometimes some things are out of context.


I interpreted this way because of some events that happened in the free seed thread involving Brazilians.

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