TioDoPlantProd Explores New Varieties with the OverGrow Community

Hey OverGrow Community!

I’m Rodrigo, also known as TioDoPlantProd, one of the leading experts in mineral coco powder cultivation in Brazil. With 8 years of indoor growing experience and having mentored over a hundred students through my comprehensive program, I’m excited to dive into testing new strains and sharing valuable insights with you all. My mentoring approach is hands-on and personalized, covering everything from germination to harvest, with special focus on extraction techniques. I’m also partnered with some fantastic organizations like growSafe, ultraSystem, clorofila garden, FloraUrbana420, and ExtractInHouse, which adds even more depth to my expertise. Let’s explore and elevate our cultivation together!

¡Hola Comunidad OverGrow!

Soy Rodrigo, también conocido como TioDoPlantProd, una de las principales referencias en cultivo mineral en polvo de coco en Brasil. Con 8 años de experiencia en cultivo indoor y habiendo formado a más de cien estudiantes a través de mi programa de mentoría integral, estoy ansioso por probar nuevas cepas y compartir valiosos conocimientos con todos ustedes. Mi enfoque en la mentoría es práctico y personalizado, abarcando todo desde la germinación hasta la cosecha, con un enfoque especial en técnicas de extracción. También estoy asociado con organizaciones fantásticas como growSafe, ultraSystem, clorofila garden, FloraUrbana420 y ExtractInHouse, lo que enriquece aún más mi experiencia. ¡Vamos a explorar y elevar nuestro cultivo juntos!

Saludos, Rodrigo


Welcome friend. :grin:

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Very cool brother! Welcome to OG :potted_plant:

I dated a Brazilian girl many years ago and she always spoke of taking me down there. Unfortunately we were young and it never happened but I’d one day still love to see some of Brazil.

What are you growing down there? American hybrids or focusing on your countries landraces and heirlooms?

Cheers :potted_plant:


Satisfaction friend! I look forward to sharing my garden with everyone.


How are you? Is everything okay? If you had come you wouldn’t have come back! Lol! The sativas here are huge, I made a lot when I grew them outdoors, indoors they demand a lot of time to manage and flowering for over 10 weeks. At the moment I have PuprleChem from The Cali Connection, FulGass! from Green house, strawberry cought from dutch passion, insatnity og from pure instinct, grape juice from silent seeds, banana latte from g13 and I have a cross of mine with a father Double Stuffed Sorbet from DNA with a mother x18 Clementine vs. Honey Banana.Growing with Plant Prod MJ


Welcome to OG my foreign friend.:slightly_smiling_face:

What am i lookig at in this pic? :thinking:


Thanks for the welcome! This is a grapeJuice from SilentSeeds



Haha, too funny my brother.
But you are indeed correct, if I had made the trip down I’m certain I’d still be there. Hell we’d probably be neighbors :purple_heart:

Good looking plants :potted_plant:

Is it hard for you to get seeds down there from other countries; ie usa?