How to go about doing a giveaway here

I have a giveaway goin for my seedbank and i wish to include those of you at overgrow. How would i do this on a forum? You cant really share a picture to enter or anything. Anyone have any ideas?? This isnt the give away post im just looking for some ideas on how do go about this thing. Maybe i can get everyone to write up about their favorite cultivar? Or maybe their most memorable experience using cannabis? Im not sure. Give me some ideas guy:)

Much love


You must have misread. i have a seedbank im not a breederXD i have gear from other breeders like humbodlt seeds and tga genetics


Ya have here in Monte Adentro/Hispanistan Profundo, a posible sativas tester, If ya need one…


PM Lemonade Joe, I dont know his intent for the site if its commercial or non commercial use. FWIW, internet sources cite MJ is illegal in czech republic. There are other issues like user security.

I wouldn’t mind giving out some seeds for OG, either giveaway or auction for server funds.


Excuse me, I cant understand what exactly is illegal in Chequia?

Hi guys, from security stand point there is no problem sharing seed giveaways (from members to members) here.

If the goal is to promote OG, award members and have fun I’m okay with that too!

Thanks @GrowerGoneWild for alert on this, I think still we are covered under freedom of speech. Seeds are legal practically everywhere including Czech republic. CZ has pretty liberal law according to cannabis, growing is pretty much tolerated in small amounts as I’ve summarized in this topic. And then there is of course medical scene with state-licensed growers supplying pharmacies probably in similar fashion as in some US states. This is not different compared to other EU states.


So I suppouse Chequia, as my country in the pasts 60’s, n a lot of other nations arround world n time, signed The Viena/Austria Convention proclaming legal n allowing cannabis Seeds trade…

Ok, I stand corrected. Good to hear you wont have problems associated with the seed trade.

I got some Fire OG x GSC to put out there for the server fund, or whatever promo you want. I’ve passed them out and got some feedback from a guy in Arizona, and he liked them.

Yes, I was wrong on the seed issue.

I’ve been known to promote “Aquaponic Dumme”, by giving away growing products on facebook, by picture competitions. Would this fall under the umbrella of this thread? Something like this…


This sounds fun. Anyone need a tester? I’m down!

I have been working on a line and wanna see if some would like to test out in the near future. ( zamaldelica x (gg#4 x stardawg)


I’m always down for some free seeds and I have really been wanting to try a Zamal cross of some sort. I hear it is very energetic. I would also love to get ahold of some rare landrace seeds if anyone’s willing to share the love.

What is gg4, n’ stardawg? What bout taste n psicoactivity of your proyect?

By the way, OG people, I could apport same seeds in order change it for other of yours seeds. A have only 5 or 6 seeds max of each one:

Two proyects by the Mexican breeder PSILOCYBO :
MALAWI BANGUI: Malawi X Bangui Haze, from ACE Seeds.(I showed it in The DogHouse)
MEXICA HAZE: (Afrutado Mexicano X Amnesia Haze) X Malawi ACE

N same others of BUBBLEHAZE, by the Spanish breeder JEEP: OldTimer Haze #23 ( RACO’s clon) X Bubblegumn Serious Seeds (LEOCADIUS 2001 selected male).

N finally, same others by the Spanish breeder of Dandy Dance (I showed it in The DogHouse), SEÑOR BOGAVANTE, from Tropical Seeds Company, like LONDON CHEESE X BARBER SHOP…

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The tomahawk male I have is very diesely and Axle greasy smelling and tasting.
I want to cross in some more heady,trippy effects

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Hey MiG, I have several stardawg crosses that I would not mind trading for some of your crosses.
G13 x stardawg, tangerine haze x stardawg, colorado flo x sd, super lemon haze x polarbear og, tahoe og x sd, tora bora x polarbear og(high cbd) and also I have some Hapa Haze which is waipo hapa x haze(hawaiian heirloom) from centennial seeds. I have a few more that I can’t think of but I’m in the same boat I only have 1 pack of each so would be willing to trade 5-6 of each. I have been wanting to try some Malawi from ace and other various hazes though they tend to take a while to flower. let me know if your interested.

Can ya tell me more about the Hawaian “heirlom” haze?

In this web ya can obtain free seeds, @pookie123:

Here is the cannabis seeds list avaliable:
I know the breeders so if ya are interested I can tell ya what the best strains are…

N if ya are interested I can intoduce ya to the web comunity I’m member where breaders uses to present free their seeds to the growers they chose, only in order growers descibed, tester n photografied plants…


Centennial Seeds - Hapa Haze
The Hapa Haze seed was made with the Waipi’o Hapa and Haze. I’ve grown both of these lines enough to know the unique markers of each. The Hapa Haze expresses the best characteristics of both parents and is a textbook example of hybrid vigor.

Hapa Haze is a large plant and performs best in large rooms or outdoors where the sunshine can encourage maximum expression of its potential.

Pine and citrus dominate the flavor and fragrance. The smoke leaves a unique and delicious fragrance in the air that will bring you back to a time when equatorial Sativa types made up the bulk of the American herb supply. Flavorful, stimulating and easy to grow.

Flowering time: 10 - 12 weeks


In Freespore, @pookie123, I think ya’ll like Timanfaya Haze (by Alex/La Mano Negra/Ho Chi Ming)n’ it crossed with Chocolope or Kali Mist, by my friend Imazighen; n’ [(OldTimer Haze X Congo Point Noire) X Ciskei], n Cognition X Ciskei from Tropical Seeds, by Weak.