Anybody has Contact to Etres Seeds on Instagram?

If yanyone know this guy, please tell me .

His link goes like: etres_seeds :grin:

He seems to come from Southern California

If you have Contact to him, please PM me, i want to talk with him, its a very exiting Thing i want to talk about. Im here since Years, and wellknown, good intentions. But have problems contacting…


I said please! Its importent!! I may reward you big time if you take the Job and just forward a message from me. Thats all

here, im wellknown, dont think anyone complained when doin this Auction:

Im credible, read the latest posts on this Auction.


i checked his profile and I dont see anyone in common, also his last post is from 2019 so… its going to be hard to find someone here that knows him - but wish you luck

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Thank you! Hope someone knows him.

I have sent him a message, I will let you know if he replies … beer3|nullxnull


yolo`? —

No answer … :expressionless:

did you write him on instagram? i probably just send out dozens mesages to his instafriends, lol

Yes I did, good luck with your quest … beer3|nullxnull

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