Anyone using a DO meter?

I bubble all my water before I give it to the ladies, and I really want to know when I have it saturated. So, looked up a few meters. Looks like under 200 will get a decent one. Any one been using anything to measure your DO? How do you like it? Worth it?


Yes. I have a variety of LDO probes and have been collecting data for some time now. There could be a lot of insightful and interesting data to glean in this area.


These types of probes are a bit more tricky to use and to get the calibration set-up correctly as compared to a PH probe, for instance.

There are generally two type of probes:

  1. polarmetric
  2. luminescent

Of the two, it is suggested to go luminescent if possible. They can be expensive but, if you’re patient, from time to time you can purchase such probes via Ebay for around ~100 USD. Then add the actual meter.

The polarmetric type probes tend to require more care, are less accurate, have more drift, and have cross sensitivities. But, they are the less expensive of the two options generally.

The set-up I’m monitoring DO on is over here:

Are they worth it? I’d say the most value is if you are experimenting and doing some research. Or, if you want to understand the overall effect of temperature, barometric pressure, gas exchange rates of gases in solution. Oxygen exchange rate at the roots. Or, particularly, if you plan to supersaturate the solution with nano bubbles or use oxidizing chemistry such as ozone.

I’ve found some interesting effects which I still need to explore in further depth. Such as, oxygen saturation levels relative to the nutrient chemistry.

Cool that you are looking into this :+1:


Super saturate the solution… bingo. :+1:

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