Auction to help our fellow OGer @Pawsfodocaws and his lovely wife @Mrs.Paws Part 1

It will be completed… i think we were extremely clear about it… and maybe paws is dealing with his wife at the moment… a little patience wouldn’t hurt … but this was all cleared through the owner of this entire site… so best believe its being overseen

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Hey bay i need your safe addy if you havent sent it so i can get my portion out to you brother… edit… i got it… when i give it a like bay you can delete it…

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What Would Mac Dre Do?


I do hope so. But then I’m also concerned that’s it’s being “overseen” and this is how it was handled. I’ve encountered others that are pretty lax on this site once they get your money, and it’s not appreciated.


Om Mani Padme Hum


I understand buddy… for sure… i promise man everything will be kosher… we dont even keep addys… i dont… unless youre a friend im sending stuff back and forth to alot… we talk all the time etc… …

Dont worry … this is gonna be as great as it was when it started… helping OGers and helping spread killer genetics …


@DougDawson was clear in his initial instructions which I followed.

I appreciate that - it’s not personal - trying to be clear in my communication

I trust @DougDawson as a person and he’s tells me we’re good. So we’re good.


Ok everyone, sorry for the confusion here. The best thing here I think is for me to just take care of this stuff myself. I have your info that was provided by @Pawsfodocaws so you are all set @AMunkFromCupertino . Any missing addresses I will be collecting myself and will do the same for the next round that starts in an hour. This will avoid any confusion or hassles.


I just sent mine, I am behind due to a large hurricane heading my way. I had other pressing matters to attend to first.


Sorry man… i feel bad now…

I got my addys i needed so we’re good :+1:

I’ll get my shipping done asap


It’s fine @Terpsnpurps , I have what is needed and what I don’t I will get. This is confusing folks so it’s best to just leave it to me. I will make sure the donors get what they need. I appreciate you trying to help bud but sudden changes in a plan tend to make people uncomfortable which I totally understand. :v:


Head down and stay safe @Cannabis :v:


Yup i totally get it … just didnt think about it

Im excited for the next round!!

As far as bayarea… i had to ship to him as well so… and rmevet… thats what that was about there



Go Dumb

Ya @AMunkFromCupertino i can hold up my end just fine. Ill send your winning beans from me.


Sorry paws i was just trying to lighten the load and put in a helping hand… its my fault he began to worry … hows everything going on your end ? Hows the lady feelin bro? Thats what i care about buddy… i hope this whole auction makes you realize you do in fact live in a world where people care
… really care… not like facade care… but true care and togetherness… man it just always reinstates my faith in humanity when i am on overgrow with the family…

I hope the 2nd round crushes the 1st and you are blown away by the victory @Pawsfodocaws :pray:


Things are going better, the whole house has a bug. I just slept for 2 hours on accident. Im beat, my wofe got the papers needed to see specialists, and had been hooked up to the mobile ekg, i believe we need to return it. Anyways super busy. No problem. Its fine man.


Thats good news bro!! I wont keep ya man… have a good night

(Well the clearance… not the bug )


Thanks i would usually be on. But im in need of rest.


Yessir im positive you are haha… g’night buddy :sleeping: :zzz:

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