Auction to help out @johnnypotseed and his wife Rose Round 1 "Bidding Closed"

Second round should be better than the first for you bro, there are some killer stuff coming up.


Round 2 is live everyone, happy bidding.


Just sent you a little bit on PayPal. Hope you heal fast and prosper :green_heart:


Thnx, it shows as in.

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Wow second round is INSANE!!!

Second round is going to be unprecedented johhny… im positive of that


Lot 26 payment sent.

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PLEASE, folks DON’T put ‘lot’ or anything other than the actual number in the PP transfer!!


Round 2 start soon!! Cheers!

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I shall pass on the bonus seeds, I appreciate the gesture very much.


Come one folks, don’t make me be a shit and start bitching at you. You are all doing such a great thing here but one of you put “Lot # and another put Team Overgrow” in the notes. This can get the PayPal account shut down and destroy this whole thing. The instructions were as simple as possible. Only put the lot number IE. 23 or 30. Nothing else. Not only will doing other than that possibly get the PayPal account shut down and ruin this fundraiser, it will also cut off @JohnnyPotseed from sales of his own. Please, I can’t make the instructions any simpler. ADD JUST THE NUMBER OF YOUR LOT TO THE NOTE, NOTHING ELSE. No letters of any kind, just the number. Sorry but this is frustrating, I don’t mean to sound like a prick.


Ok, apologies for being curt earlier. For all payments and donations going forward, please DM @JohnnyPotseed for instructions. Thanks. :v:


While another man slept eh lol enjoy the beans shag :+1:

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We made it, supercool !!

Its Cultivator’s Choice’s - [[Haze x Sk1] x Sk1] x [Haze x Sk1]

Did I write breeders choice on your flip from last auction?


I think @Sailorboy outbid me, unless he missed the deadline.

please pick a number from 1-100



your pick is recorded and as soon as the last guess is entered, I’ll post the winners

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YEAH!!! Great work everyone!

Big Love to @DougDawson who’'s clearly playing with 4x keyboards at once to make this all happen so well!

Big Love to @JohnnyPotseed who’s mentored so many of us!

And Big Love to Rose who keeps JPS together for all of us!



I didn’t win this one, but I’ll follow it in the thread and grow some of your stuff when I get space looks nice @InTheWoods definitely was tempting

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Thanks for interest, I have yet to pop those since I OP’d them. I hope to get some popped next year. If I remember right it was number 6 female in the OP that stood out for a haze leaner.