Audrey III and Photo double grow

She’ll be Droopy Dog if I rename her😂



Somehow passed out after that last post​:crazy_face: I was supposed to work today :man_facepalming: my concussion symptoms are worsening ugh. I’ll have to tell my manager and get checked out finally today. I pushed myself at Management’s request knowing I had a grade 3 concussion and at work yesterday I was nauseated and then passed out standing up with heavy boxes in my hands somehow still upright :crazy_face: from what I was told I fell forward into the cage and the boxes kept me from faceplanting. This sucks as it’s peak season for he next 2 months and I’ll probably have to take a week or 2 off now to recover if it’s bad still​:crazy_face:

Drama in my life aside I went in the tent to cycle the air back to a warm 72f when leaving the tent in 68f conditions seemed to keep the soil too cold. Tbe soil on Marauder and Booberry was pulling from the sides a little and I used the rest of my mulch to line the edges of the pots to where they stopped passively giving to mild pressure. I had to turn the heat on last night after my last post when it was 67f in the house with all windows closed.

The top inch layer of mulch is dry on DBHP, but the pot is so heavy I can’t deadlift it, so it’s definitely not watering day yet🤔 I slipped a hygrometer on her branches to help monitor her environment conditions better.

Marauder is looking so much better than before. Growth resumed as if they weren’t transplanted at all, but just got more room to spread roots :thinking:

Booberry is looking like they also didn’t notice the transplant :thinking: growth just kept up and didn’t stall at all. Stems have become Woody and training will have to resume on new growth to spread the brand out above the whole soil surface before flower. The genetics of this line are interesting.

Droopy Dog :joy: is looking a little less sad today before lights off in a couple hours after this pic was taken. Uploader was struggling and now it’s an hour away :persevere:


About to go get myself looked at as I managed the full grade 3 concussion symptom list as of this morning and that’s enough to get anyone alarmed. Apparently I looked bad enough at a glance that they sat me right down and put me in a room immediately :crazy_face: wish me luck

For now I checked in the tent before I left and it’s getting a little too cold at night still and my heat is on 72f all day :man_facepalming: the one under DBHP is less severe, but it shows it’s very cold at night in the tent​:man_facepalming:


DBHP soil is crazy heavy​:thinking: she doesn’t look too bad for how heavy the pot is. I can’t even lift it and I handle 250+lbs at work every day​:crazy_face: that’s a heavy pot. The 20 gallon is lighter :grimacing: with DST in effect now the lights turn off at 8 now instead of 930 after the power outage and adjusting the mechanical timer before the power came back :crazy_face: if I left it alone the timer would have conveniently fixed itself :crazy_face: the odds though.

No pictures this update as lights are off, but Booberry is at 45° and happy as could be right now​:grin: Marauder is looking really healthy last night also. Some nice healthy growth rate and color to the new growth. I don’t see any shape issues with the leaves either.:grin: DBHP is getting a mild lockout, but if the hasn’t had any water since transplant and all that water hasn’t evaporated properly I’m not sure I should water even if the mulch dries if the rest won’t lose moisture yet anyways. With that much weight in the pot she can search for the existing water before I add any more :crazy_face:

I’m on rest for the next few days :man_facepalming: it was still bad enough that my concussion hasn’t healed enough to let me go back to work yet​:crazy_face: it took forever to get out and I was seen immediately :crazy_face: so many tests and scans​:crazy_face: I’ll probably need to have my S.O. help out with watering the herbs today as the cannabis is fine, but the rest need water more frequently while they’re still alive. Less now that there’s less room between pots to evaporate so quickly from the light heating the soil up without the leaves getting the light. I reset the hygrometers when I put the hygrometer on DBHP top to slightly weigh the top down without stressing her. At lights on I’ll be able to see how the temperature has been at lights off :grin:


All the plants look much better today :grin: nice 45° angle on Marauder and Booberry. DBHP is looking a little locked out still, but the pot is still pretty heavy. Might be another day or so before water is safe to add to the pot :crazy_face: Jelly Pie is recovering, but I think I should add a little water today in a circle around them. The leaves are curling up a little around the edges. Temperature is dropping below 65f at night :man_facepalming:


Temperature at night is stabilizing and soon the soil temp should bounce back once they start working in the soil again :grin:

DBHP is looking a little better today. Just waiting to see them bounce back from this and see how fast the growth will be😁

Booberry is looking like they couldn’t be happier right now. The initial shock during transplant seems to have set its damage in, but those lowers don’t appear to be continuing to fade anymore.

Marauder is looking really happy and soon it’ll be time to water and train them out again :grin:

Jelly Pie is looking much better :heart_eyes:

I transplanted the mint and lavender into a full 3 gallon volume finally. I removed all soil before transplant and gave them all just 1 soil mix after mixing the existing soil into the soil in the bin. After combining all the soil together I had exactly 6 gallons of soil :grimacing: let’s see how they handle the transplant as I’m 100% certain I stressed them, but it’ll be worth it to see them grow again and maybe the lavender might go into flower soon​:joy: somehow lavender is the only plant I can’t accidentally put into flower LoL :joy:


I mixed up a molasses, Epsom salt, and brown sugar water for the plants again and it’s just getting stirred and left to sit and lose chlorine that might be in the water still. I checked the mulch is dry 2 inches down and now it’s time to let them slightly struggle and search for water before I treat them to some sugar water with potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfide/sulfur, and iron. They all seem to love this mix when I give it to them and they drink the water in the soil right up the next day usually. Little sugar addicts😂 retraining resumes in the morning for them tomorrow. Possibly a little before lights on when they’re a little more malleable and passive.

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you could throw an airstone in there, there were a few at a different site that mixed that stuff up really good left it bubbling for a 24 hour period.


Yeah I’ll have to grab one soon. For the moment the stirring every few hours works for my mix until I can refine it. I’ll be getting a larger container for it too as I’ll probably end up mixing up a decent amount ahead of time brewing it like a tea. At that point I’ll definitely be making teas though :grin: I can’t wait :grin:


Sounds like a plan…

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I mixed up the water to around 20 gallons to fill the black container with the soil leftovers stuck to it. Whatever microbes hitch ride are welcome as that soil made Booberry so happy she’s almost looking too happy :grin: I didn’t start training yet, but I’ll have someone to help me today. They’re passive, but listen to instructions. Great Doobie​:grin: afraid to be too heavy with training and the perfect helper when I need to gently train them out. Their BF has a horticulture degree also, so it’s really nice to bounce stuff off him​:grin: moments like this are why I’m happy for my nature to not give any fucks about backgrounds. If you’re a good person now is what matters. Past is past. The you now matters. Thinking too far ahead and too far in the past will only slow you down and cloud your head. Apparently hitting my head again last night as I was finally cleared to work again gave me a sense of clarity today :joy: I had to mix up the water heavily as apparently the water decided to go friendly anaerobic and smell like beets, but otherwise no sulfur, chlorine, or hydrogen smell.

At the moment I’m waiting to water and if this mix goes on me while waiting oh well. I’ll mix up some more thirsty bitch mix for the girls when they start to ask for water.

So far they all look great and are praying :pray::raised_hands: I’ll give them time to decide on water needs before I drench the soil

The water is heavy in Geosmin algae. Luckily they’re one of the few good guys as they’re what give beets and dirt their smell🤤 no idea why I love that smell so much. I hate dirt, but love beets😂

Temps in the tent currently match the temps in the house :expressionless: I can’t afford the heating bill to crank it to 75-80f for the next 2 months. Gas is expensive :grimacing:

Booberry is happy as could be, but that leaf is a egg drop spot​:expressionless: hopefully the eggs are from the lacewings or the ladybugs, but if I remember correctly ladybugs have Amber to orange eggs. The last time I saw that spot it was from the leaves getting sucked dry, so seeing the eggs instead give me hope for the possibility that the mites are gone. Plans got derailed after I’ve taken so much time off work to recover from my concussion, upper respiratory tract infection, and my friend/ride having a malfunctioning phone​:expressionless: it’s peak season too. Luckily I’m getting back to work at the beginning, but I’ll be scraping by and unable to buy anything for the plants myself for the next few weeks now :grimacing: my friend is willing to help out occasionally, but as thanks I’ll have to be smoking him up daily :joy: if that’s the case I’ll have to be a little greedy as that MF smoked me dry last harvest in 2 weeks once it was ready to smoke​:expressionless: great couple of weeks though. Kept me from SAD​:grin:

Marauder seems to be everyone else’s favorite :expressionless: idk why. Booberry is so much better looking to me. Marauder still looks great, but the training potential seems to maintain a bush no matter what I do to her.

Jelly Pie is looking so much better now. They’re starting to get the 45° angle I want to see and when the leaves seem thirsty the circling around the edges plan might be best when I add water.


I’d be saying I can give you so much of the crop he’d helped me with.
Definitely wouldn’t let him smoke me dry.
When I go dry I can be a nasty moofoo.


Oh me too :grimacing: it’s why I’m working on larger harvests to not run out between them again :grimacing:

I couldn’t wait for any longer to water. I saw salt buildup in the mulch and I’ll observe how long they take to ask for water again after this now that all of the soil is saturated. I didn’t water with all of the water. 1 gallon per pot making sure a little gets on the middle, but not so much that they’re happy to stay in the center. No runoff so far. With before pics from earlier in the day I can compare to the appearance once they’ve had their drink and see how happy they look. All of them showed a slight change right away, so it seems I might have had to water today anyways :sweat_smile: they made it a week though :grin: next time maybe longer​:grimacing: once they pickup growth again I’ll find out how fast they ask for water​:grin:

Jelly pie only got 32oz water almost entirely on the sides of the pot with 6oz of that water on the middle to keep the mulch moist.

Booberry I’m slightly bending tops to help expose some lowers to light. Nothing extreme yet. Training will happen tomorrow when I’ve had some proper sleep and another day off work😬 today I’m just taking advantage of some stems letting me bend them pretty passively. Once she covers that soil surface it’ll be interesting in this tent😁 she lessened the angle a bit after watering on the top that was basically closed up looking like a parody of a vampire coat collar😂


Marauder is looking like she would spread out much farther than her pot will have the surface area to fill out. I might have to switch Marauder and Booberry to give her more room to spread out😬

DBHP is looking pretty much the same. No real notes today. Nothing seems to be dying on her and nothing seems to be toxic as far as I can tell. Just a few remaining areas affected by the transplant I haven’t removed still obviously showing issues.

Edit: added pics before I left for the day

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Some fresh pics as they wake up.:grin: It’s a little cold in here, but not much I can do. I had the heat cranked to 80f and it still got like ice in there. I’m just going to have to figure out adjusting the fans and I should be able to remove the fan from above the lights. DBHP is slightly overwatered, but once she bounces back I’ll see how she is now that her soil isn’t a dry pocket in the core. It should be at least a week before they need any​:grin:


Each pot got a small amount of red Wiggler’s in the soil under the mulch. I finally remembered to grab a handful of the compost they’re breeding in next door and a few eggs and tiny red Wiggler babies got in each pot :grin:

A little bit high in nitrogen, but the thirsty bitch mix did it’s thing like usual :joy: now to wait for the droop. Booberry is looking a little bit too sharp an angle to me IDK.


I peeked in the tent to check the temperature and I saw 66f😁 I forgot to take pics of the hygrometers, but I’m not trying to fully wake them up. A handful of flashes and a lit room overhead was plenty enough. They’re waking up in an hour anyways, but still. Thought I’d grab some night pics to compare color with😁