Auto plant - light cycles

found these light schedules - thoughts ?
Week 1-3 — 12-16 hrs first month
Week 4-5 ---- 20/4
Week 6 to harvest 12/12
week 1 -16/6
week 2 - 17/5
week 3 - 18-6
week 4 - 20/4
(last week use 12/12)

These are kind of wild “times” Maybe if one combines times of two schedules - a good growing time might happen ??


My experience with autos is less light time = less or more larfy buds. Thats just me. I’ve run Mephisto, Mendo 20/20, and Night Owl. The one time I ran an auto on 12/12 with some photos yielded the larfiest buds of any auto I ran.


i was just in a discussion on another thread on this. 20-24 hrs is what autos need, depending on the variety, for maximum yield. one person said they ran 20-4 unless the plant started looking bad and then cut it down to 18-6. i’ve never ran them myself though.


Also this

I only run autos and confirm

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I’ve been running my autos on about 15/9, and included some in a 12/12 run twice. I think the 12/12 slowed them down, but didn’t notice any other issues. I’ve got the light intensity on the high end. I’m not a perfectionist so this doesn’t mean others aren’t right about what’s ideal. Right now the light leaks into my bedroom, so the plants have got to sleep when I do :woman_facepalming::rofl:. When I get that corrected I’ll probably run 18/6 the full grow. I mess up my timers about half the time when I try to change them, so frequent variation is not for me.

I was seriously disappointed in any autos I’ve run on 12/12. Would not recommend.