Auto question

IMO there are autos that do this (or something like it). There are more factors than just roots hitting the bottom, but container size can affect size of some autos.

I’ve heard it described as “responds to restrictive potting” and that’s the general way I think about it.

Mephisto usually mentions this trait in their strain descriptions.

Here is an excerpt from Pink Panama:

Her outright size can be quite well defined by the container size used; given a smaller pot she can make a nice ‘smaller’ SOG style plant for a sativa dominant autoflower, however, given room to stretch her legs, she’ll do just that.


I usually start auto seeds in Solo cups then up-pot into an Octopot before it becomes rootbound, 7-10 days from sprout. The Octopot is 6 gallons of soil sitting atop a 6 gallon nutrient reservoir. The autos love that environment! It can take a week or so for the roots to grow through the soil and reach the reservoir. They grow like crazy once they start drinking - but I suppose that could be coincidental timing with their biological clock.

Roots growing down to the res

9 days later

Another 9 days later

Mostly Mephisto strains. They gave me between 4 and 6.5oz dried harvest each.

I mainly grow regs these days and flower them in 3 gallon pots so I can fit more plants in my 5x5 tent. When I plant autos, they live under 18/6 light in my veg tent which is 4x8 so there’s plenty of room for the 18" square footprint of the Octo - and of course they don’t care about getting 12 hours of darkness to flower.