Beans for everyone (Part 1)

I’m testing for a couple people this summer.
I’m also running diesel Elvis, Tropicana cookie, apple fritter and a couple others clones


sweet! are you running the cap junkie clone?

I am!!! Got it at the 2023 auction. Not a clone. S1 I believe …

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very nice, I’m harvesting my first run of it tomorrow!


ohhh, mines the cut capulator was selling.


Ya, not a fan of Cap. I hear Good things about the cut, but imho it’s way over rated.
But that’s just me. Kind of a personal thing.
Sure is making some nice coin from it.

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yeah he’s definitely profiting big. My cut was a gift from a member of a collective which all chipped in for the clone, so I didnt have to foot the massive bill.


What’s the cap junkie clone? I just got the mac1.
I do remember reading caps early posts when he talks about microbes being an even bigger markup than fertilizer

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That’s what’s up!

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cap junky is the result of a collaboration project by capulator and seed junky. I think the official name is miracle mints, but the cross is Alien Cookies and Kush Mints #11.


And that right there, is my general beef with The Cap. What I see as exploitation of a community for what? A cut? A seed? A plant?
And maybe the quality is so amazing it solves all of one’s appetites. But, for me, it’s like the Indian trying to grasp the concept of land belonging to someone. And, to be clear, yeah, I put a bid on the Cap Junky at the 2023 auction, because primarily to support OG, secondarily, because I saw it listed for like 1500 a seed, (later found for $350) and trust me, if I can do my first reversal, it’ll be on Cap Junky, and I’ll be giving it away here on OG, just like I do everything else.
Now I’m putting myself out there for some haters to probably bash on me. That’s fine. I’m entitled to my opinion.

Which leads me to my next controversial subject. I read and hear a lot about ‘stolen genetics.’ I’d like to hear from those more experienced than me, (there are many) about proprietary rights to a strain.

Now I am a tester for several breeders and I would never consider making crosses without permission as of this point I haven’t asked because I have so much stuff going on.
But if I purchase, say, Star Pupil from Mass Medical, do I own it? And can make crosses from whatever I purchase?
What about what I win, (not that I ever win,:smile:) or am gifted here on OG? Should I feel comfortable making my own crosses there?

Maybe I should have posted this elsewhere, I think this thread has a lot of incredibly intelligent people on it, people I respect and whose opinions I respect.
So let’s hear it OG. How deep does Over Grow the World really go?
Thank you for your time and consideration.


You should talk to @LoveDaAutos

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This is true bro.
I’ve read this discussed on here before. It can be a touchy subject and I never ventured into the fray. But I do see your point. If I bought a strain, grew some out and produced seeds, and wanted to gift them to friends they are mine to do with as I please. Now selling them while the original producer still has them on their site, that’s different IMO.

Again, just my opinion.
Yeah, you should also talk to @BigMike55 about his experience with this. That is, if he is willing to. Maybe PM. lol

Some were pure assholes about this and I don’t blame him for not talking much about it.


In my opinion, nobody can really own generics of a strain. I think it is perfectly fine to make a cross with any plant you have if that’s what you want to do. Also, making F2s is perfectly cool IMO if for small-scale personal use.

I do feel it’s bad form to flood the world with F2s of a breeders work that they are currently selling or to sell said seeds. That takes from the pocket of the person who put in the work to create and hopefully stabilize a strain. To me that is just disrespectful.


Just recreating without really adding anything new is rather lame(unless for preservation.) There’s room for everyone to have their own lane with the literal infinite possibilities of this plant. What other plant do you know can smell like dried mangoes on a sunday, dead skunk in an italian restaurant or daffodils in your memories?


When someone says, " it’s MY strain" I always call BS. If I buy some tomato seeds, they are mine to do what I want. If I like the fruit and make new seeds, why should I not be able to give them away? Why any different with cannabis.
That guy did not invent that plant. It came from somewhere. I say if ANYONE owns the genetics… God owns them. And he ain’t griping.
Anyone who breeds cannabis should realize that as soon as one bean gets sold, the opportunity opens up for someone else to capitalize. A handful of freebies and/or sales will not bother his bottom line.


Thanks your very generous!

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There are breeders… and breeders. Some work the plant and others cross it like crazies…
I am of the thinking that any can sell their seeds if they want. Come the crosses from anywhere.
Nobody started from ZERO. One could work the plant to find some traits or another, but not started his work from hemp. Or it is good to clone/work from the heirlooms of farmers of afghan/thai/swazi… etc… but not from the person that started his work from that persons previous work? Some of that farmers (or others previously) already made selections to the plant. That happends with hemp, rice, corn… any plant or vegetable.

If a breeder known to have a good genetic losses agains another breeder (unkown or without the same reputation) then he/she is doing something wrong. It is as the people that say that her work is taking out by a inmigrant. If a person that knows nothing of the country, nor people here, nor the language get the job and the local no, then something is doing wrong the local.



Yeah someone spending decades perfecting a few strains or someone just getting lucky popping a seed and then crossing it to every cut at the local dispensary/collective. :expressionless:

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I agree with a lot of what is said here. A plant that is grown by one is putting in the work, not adding your own flavor is kinda weak, flooding a recreated genetic is not very respectful, (especially if done so vindictively) and a plant shouldn’t really ‘belong to’ anybody.
However, now I’m gonna pull out my Ace in the Hole, I’ve never sold one seed in my life, on this site or anywhere. I think seeds and plants have been a medicine for centuries, and when you look at it through the lens of charging people for medicine, well, that just ain’t me.
However I do respect those that work to create said medicine and in the course of this incur costs and overhead and have every right to be compensated, and, to put food on the table for their families.
But to build an empire… this speaks to something else in my heart. I struggle to come to grips with this conundrum. Do I have jealousy? Am I feeling inferior? Am I just too ignorant to make money creating strains?
Maybe I just need to keep creating my crosses, and let people decide. Sure, I’d like to sell seeds, make crosses and make a few shekels. But is that really why I grow?
Got the grandkids coming for the weekend, so I’ll be in and out. Love reading all the thoughts on this… thank you all.