OGKB hybrid beans, fems and regs

I’ve been breeding with OGKB and OGKB hybrids for 3 years, been breeding for 10. Would love to get some of my work into the communities hands, all tested and stable. Shipping costs only, beans are free.


How much to ship to Canada?


How do you like it in terms of its growth and vigour? I have heard that the end product is top knotch, but it is otherwise a pain in many ways, very finicky, low vigour, low to moderate yield.

Does that translate to its hybrids as well?

tagging to see the answer to this

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Do you have journals of your work people can go through? I am always a bit leary of new members looking for shipping money. Especially when it’s their only post on the site.


Great question. All of what I work with has OGKB within it, such as Peanut Butter Breath, Garlic Breath, and Grateful Breath… and the purest form of OGKB that I bred with was the v2.1 from In-House Genetics, which back crossed the original OGKB to Dosido. Dosi being an OGKB hybrid herself crossed to Face Off OG.
So, to answer your question, all of my hybrids are vigorous and stable due to bringing other established, strong genetics into the fray. You are very correct though, in that the original form of OGKB is finicky and mutated, but super high quality. So I try to overlap the OGKB lineage in all of my crosses, but use other strains to accentuate the quality and eliminate the negative part of OGKB.

A few examples (and I have pics of most of my crosses) are:

OGKZ x Peanut Butter Breath
Tropicana Punch x PBB
Garlic Breath x PBB
Wedding Cake x PBB
Wedding Cake x Mendo Breath
OGKBv2.1 x Mendo Breath
PBB x OGKBv2.1
Gelato Cookies x OGKBv2.1

And on and on lol

The results speak for themselves and are absolutely top tier. Sorry for the lengthy response, hope I answered your question! Pics are next


Hey Doug,
So short answer is yes. I am also a lead cultivator for a licensed micro (2000 plants) facility in Michigan and have been breeding for way too long. I actually created a genetics company with some success, but greed and shady people ruined that, so I’m here now to build my reputation again. I understand your hesitance 100%, this industry can be shady and lame to be honest, but this is my life and my unending passion. All of what I have created would compete with any major breeding house in every way and all of my crosses have been thoroughly tested and are of the highest quality.

First pic is OGKZ x PBB
Second is Tropicana Punch x PBB

I have endless pics, didn’t want to spam them tho lol



@DougDawson shipping cost for a pack of 10 seeds is not much. i guess I could send him a dollar or two and see how i turns out.

@Crafty_Flame I have two bucks, get some cred right here.



OGKBv2.1 fems

Gelato Cookies x OGKBv2.1
PBB x OGKBv2.1
Chem D x OgKBv2.1
GG4 x (Grateful Breath bx) using Skywalker OG for the bx


I got you Splinter! Message me.

DM incoming :grinning:


Beautiful pics. Welcome to OG. :v:


Thank you! Glad to be here.


Where are you located? I will “toss 'em”, “sling 'em”, and “toss 'em” again at MY EXPENSE!! I’m in MAINE/USA, you get 'em to me, I’ll take it from there. I DON’T SELL SEEDS, NEVER HAVE/NEVER WILL. If fact, I’ll reimburse you what it cost to get 'em to me. I have random “Pop Up Giveaways”, “Mini 25 Member Giveaways”, and “SEASONAL 50 - 60 Member Giveaways” I think MOST OGers will vouch for these statements. SUPER THANKS for your offer, regardless, stay safe, take care, and be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That last picture is a beautiful looking plant. :v:


I will trade stamps for packs if you are interested. This will help ship to multiple people. Most here ship via envelopes and stamps as shipping.


I am definitely interested. Like the other guy said- how much for shipping to canada?


@Crafty_Flame are these strains easy to grow for a rookie? If so i might be interested

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I vouch for @misterbee 100%. :v: