Beans for everyone (Part 1)

I don’t know the breeder costs, I am stupid at that, but I see how many seeds can be obtained from ONE plant.
And selling one seed at 10 $/€ or more… well, I think there is greed.
By example, KC Brains, a breeder from holland, more than 30 years breeding, with some cup winners, and sells around 2€/$ seed… and in all this time breeding, it did not die of hunger.
And the worse, is that many of the expensive ones, live on the hype.


There it is the market clones… lucky popping.

But well if lucky or work… is at all in life. Some put all his efforts in some job/endeavour… and others none or many less, but have more luck and achieve the objectives before the hardworker.

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Legally speaking, there aren’t any laws about strains. So you can buy seeds and make whatever you want with them, and try to sell them to whoever will buy them.

Do I find it ethical to try to make money on someone else’s work? Well now we’re wandering into a subjective mire, within which we may never agree, so I’ll avoid that question all together.

What it comes down to, is if you’re going to buy seeds or clones - do you want to support the knock off? Do you care to support the actual breeder? Theoretically you do, cause you like what they produce… but maybe like in the instance of @PioneerValleyOG you don’t respect cap and couldn’t give a fuck if he receives your money for his genetics, Regardless of the fact that you do want his work in your garden.

It’s just a matter of what’s important to you. There will always been the knock off trying to make a quick buck. Do you care? Or do you care about your wallet. At least we’ve all got these options open to us.


I agree bro… I think it’s a shame to charge more than a certain amount for beans … it isn’t rocket science… generally it’s usually luck of the draw when it comes to good genetics… most is hype… some isn’t… but honestly… it would not be hard to just do what we do here and just share the shit… there are breeders and there are greeders… stick w the breeders


Only to clarify, I am in no mean saying that the breeders do not ask for the amount of money they feel convenient…
I am on the side that any could be making the same and sell Fs of that.
I believe that many breeders that sell expensive seeds are counting on that, did his calculations… and milk the cow.

And I don’t sell seeds nor live from anything related to this plant. I like it grow… and burn :rofl:


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Well put my friend!!! :boom:


@Emeraldgreen talk to @LoveDaAutos about what?


@PioneerValleyOG was talking about cap junkie cut and selfing it. I immediately thought of you


:rofl::rofl::rofl: yeah you greedy bastard!!! I dig @LoveDaAutos cuz he does his own thing, and cares about growing for sure!!!
You gotta love to grow, to be in the know. It’s a pretzel-y kinda turn in your path to go from hobby, to, ‘oh wow, can I make a few bucks here?’ to, ‘can I sell a few seeds and not lose my soul?’
I know a couple Native Anericans that would say, 'no, sorry. ’

Of course, that’s not a reality in the world at this time. What’s real is feeding your family and paying your bills in a planet that’s spiraling into oblivion.


Good morning everyone.
Let’s start the day with same contest, same prizes.
Good luck to all.
@hollyho @tresbundles @ElGalloBlanco @CrunchBerries @SensiBowl @BeagleZ @LegsMahoney @bassman5420 @AzSeaindooin420 @HeadyBearAdventures @morecatslesspeople @DJSF @chronix @Limeflavouredheadbut @highminwin @BudWhisperer @VAhomegrown @MoBilly @Oldtimerunderground @potpotpot @Pluckyevil @KanehB @BigMike55 @Foreigner @Abbbian @LivingBlackSoil @Greenfingers @Greasy @Dr.VitaminGreen @JaxxMunster @BarefootAndBlazed @HolyAngel @Cartwright @Chiefer88 @AZsensi @VAkish @HorseBadorites @Bobgrows @oleskool830 @Tugthepup @Meesh @Murciano207 @CornbreadJunior @Budderton @NorthNorthNugs @Gpaw @Rhino_buddy @Pigeonman @Hapi @Jinglepot @Shadey @JoeCrowe @gonzo @misterbee @thecrazster @no_chem @Terpsnpurps @Mrgreenthumb @Illicitmango @PetalPowerseed @oldjoints @Stoner420 @CanuckistanPete @buck90 @Big @Sincitytoker @MissinBissin @Andrane @Natea @tlander @E5_Wilk @jessethestoner @Groenevingers @SHSC-1 @Spitfire @patsnumone @Jimdoors @calman1955 @keene @ifish @Cyr_grow @420noob @THCeed @Sbeanonnamellow @Habibi @Big_Yeloe @HappyTrees23s @Yetigrows @blowdout2269 @Hellablaked @DonGnosis @Cannaology @Smooth @Draig @SleepySails @FirstCavApache64 @anonymous4289 @Kgrim @Carl-Spackler @Mr.greenbee @Pawsfodocaws @Mrgreenthumb @Wuachuma @calman1955 @Lady.Zandra63 @Gnome1 @RadioWaves @PeaceCoast @Yetigrows @djtrip @Weednerd.Anthony @scotchlock @CamTheCannaman @Metz2 @Hippiechik @Cannabinoid @Cadizzles @MonsterDrank @zavorotnuck @Butustank @BuckeyeBeanz @tbone1 @mota @splinter7 @skip @heavenlygoo @iceman @FeloniousMonk @Tuned @Adventuretime86 @duo @Ghgrower @mike28086 @LoveDaAutos @tamimes


#1 @tlander @OhNo555

Guy on a Buffalo

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Gooood mooorning THCeeeeeed.


#2 @Budderton


#3 @Foreigner


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#4 good morning all and happy Sunday funday!


#5 @Draig​:+1::+1:

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As said like Robin Williams.


Oh boy!! @THCeed’s doing it again!!
:sweat_smile: :shushing_face: :thinking: :flushed: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :partying_face: :v: :sunglasses: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
You reggggaeeee man!! Top OGer!!


#6 @420noob

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Ignore me…