Beans for everyone (Part 2)

Sweet!! Thank you brother. I greatly appreciate it :+1::+1::v:


Thanks man, much appreciated!


Time to start Friday and December off right by giving away a pack of new stuff. I was cleaning some Purple Freak for pressing, when I found these little gems hiding inside. These are a cross of Purple Freak/LPC
Pick a number between 1-100, closest number wins. I will do the draw this afternoon.
P.S. please do not enter if you only have 8 foot ceilings.

Good luck.


33 for the win :call_me_hand:t2:
Thanks for the opportunity @THCeed :tada: :confetti_ball:

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I will take 55, for a chance at them beans 🫘, thanks @THCeed for this opportunity to participate! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::sunglasses::santa::christmas_tree::peace_symbol:

I’ll pick my fun number.:joy:. #69

I’ll try 73
Thanks for the chance(s):+1:

59, sounds like a good strain :pray::metal:

ill take good ole 49

that’s a sh!tload of sh!t.

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#17 for the bean!

I’ll go with 13

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It’s good shit

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Way to start of the month! Thank you @THCeed. I’m hoping #75 will be lucky for me.

you know @Ris is going to scold us for getting off topic. :stuck_out_tongue:


Hi, thanks for the opportunity !

I chose number : 88

:four_leaf_clover: Good luck errybuddy :four_leaf_clover:

I’ll choose 36! Thanks @THCeed!

I will choose #42

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I. Will choose 87

51 here if not picked. Used the random number thingy. Doh. Thanks for the chance!