Beans for everyone (Part 2)

Okay, well to go with those baseball bat colas, we better get out some baseball size nugs. Enough off of one plant to fill a batting machine. LOL

This one is for you @Piter and of course everyone else.
There are 22 bags in there ready for pressing.
I have been separating beans and packing all morning.
First member to guess the total weight in grams will get a pack of “balls”
Good luck. 1 guess per turn, guess as often as you like, just not twice in a row.


358 grams. Including bags.

400 grams should be on the money

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225 gram right on the money :moneybag::wink::sunglasses::facepunch::+1::peace_symbol:

+20 grams for them bags :joy::joy::joy:

297 grams :slight_smile:
And are we guessing the total weight of the bag of bags of stuff, or the weight of the ball of end product? :smiley:

343 grams , much love bro

No hints yet :roll_eyes: 🫤 :innocent:

That will be the next game. LOL

448 gr I’d say

616gs maybe

The amount is in between the last two guesses.

522 close?

There’s a lot of great giveaways with a lot of fun games to win them…but you gotta admit, this guy is on another level!


484grams maybe

513 is my guess

532 grams for the win :1st_place_medal::crossed_fingers:

Thanks Brother. You always have something nice to say. If it wasn’t for your stamp donation, a lot of this wouldn’t happen.


600 grams for the win

Very close. Very very close.

597 maybe possible