Beans for Soil / Soil Amenities ( an idea )

@RainToday 2 out of 5 pineapple plant 36s are popped. Things are moving slow around here so Im guessing itll be another day or two before I plant


@harveest this thread has some awesome ideas far beyond my 2cents :heart_eyes::star_struck:


Toss 'em in any time, I donā€™t wait long post-pop, just remember hopefully theyā€™re autos in which case they wonā€™t do well with transplanting so straight into their final solo is a best. Iā€™m quite hopeful that theyā€™ll tolerate your soil better than the others, and very interested to see. :slight_smile:


Into soil they go then !

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@BeTheLight if you can get unrotted wood chips those can be useful too with a little easy processing. You just need to charge up like biochar with nutrients and microbial life before mulching or turning them into your soil. Most people just soak them in a strong compost tea and some fish emulsion or hydrolysate, lots of folks overlook chips but theyā€™re excellent mulch or aeration used correctly, I forgot to mention sawdust or rock dust from sawmills and quarries or monument/gravestone makers as another potentially free material.

This lady has a pretty good and simple sawdust-to-compost system using a five gallon bucket that gets dumped weekly into a big burlap sack or you could use pretty much any sort of aerated container or bag:

She brings up weathered wood ash, which I forgot to mention. If thereā€™s any fire pits on your land or a friendā€™s, you could dig that out and use the charcoal and weathered ash in your soil. Fresh wood ash is used more sparingly but is also useful. Iā€™d avoid any public party spots with bonfire pits, those likely have a lot of melted plastic and other garbage contaminating the ashes that you wouldnā€™t want in your garden.


Hereā€™s some good videos explaining biochar including making your own with a pyrolysis retort made from a barrel, you could apply the same charging techniques to wood chips and let them decompose for a month covered partially with a dark tarp before mixing them in, maybe turn them once a week but if you make biochar itā€™s ready as soon as itā€™s charged. All you need is an air pump which would allow you to make compost teas generally and thatā€™s a great and mostly free way to get a ton of nice active cultures to start chewing up your dense clay.


In my area you can get truckloads of free manure tooā€¦

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@raintoday the comment in here about mulch and aeration, thatā€™s what Iā€™m trying to do with my cheapy charcoal chicken nutes from Amazon.

coop poop imo is a nice possible aerator too. itā€™s dehydrated chicken shit but Iā€™m pretty sure when it gets all used up it leaves these little pebbles behind. I thought to myself it could be a nice aerator of some kind too. although Iā€™m sure my 5 feet holes in the ground didnā€™t make much of a difference lol. I used a TON of it with my outdoor plants and they loved it. bought a 40lb bag on Amazon. love that shit