First leaves have white tips

I’ve noticed the first set of leaves coming off this seedling have white tips, wondering if this is from anything in particular?? My 2 other seedlings do not have this.


Could be your soils is a bit hot for the little thing. Not a soil guy as I grow in Coco but that would be my first thought.


agreed… especially something pre-amended like FF Ocean Forest, will burn em. I always use a seed starter mix till there’s a couple sets of leaves and roots just peek out of bottom holes. Then off to the better soil / larger pot…

What kind of soil are they in? any amendments? watering with very little water and no fertilizer?


Agree with the above, my seed germination rate is 20% in soil, but 80% in coco/pearlite.

I put together the medium with castings, coco coir, 444 dry amendment from down to earth, perlite, and mycro. I use about 3/4 of a 16oz water bottle among three seedlings in 5 gallon pots pHed to 6.5. The other two seedlings look really good with no white tips. I may have added a little too much amendment?

Im using coco coir but I have seen better quality since getting this one and realize what I have may have been on the cheap side of coco

This is what happens when you use fox farm ocean forest for seedlings


I flushed the living shit out of it and it bounced back to a somewhat more normal plant


My stunted pollen maker

Sheeeesh, luckily I didn’t use that :sweat_smile:

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Yeah, the seed starter mix at my local market here has no ferts, and the little ones do ok till they put on a leaf or two without much added ferts as they grow some roots. I may feed a diluted veg fert mix for a little while in the solo cups, but not for the first week or two. Even then I water with a turkey baster in the beginning. Then the whole solo cup worth of soil, plant and all, goes into amended soil… By then theres enough root and foliage to deal with the nutrients…

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ouch! The happy frog is supposed to be less hot. But I still like the peat / coco / vermiculite starter mix I get locally…

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I will be sure to do this next time around, I hadn’t looked into starter mix :man_facepalming:

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I tried to cut that same bag of ocean forest a couple times I finally gave up and started listening to Coots and was like why would I use this shit.Soil in the bag comes from the floors of processing plants that make other soil products.Better to make your own mix or use plain sungro mix no nutes at best.I don’t know much about the coco coir so I can’t say anything for it.What I do know is that FF products thier big bloom is the only thing I use anymore it’s just kelp castings and bat shit.

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They use synthetic nitrogen sprays on thier soil mixes that skirt the fine like on what OMRI lists as an organic product.I’m starting to see a pattern with OMRI listed products and digging a little deeper on what the actual ingredient says and where the materials were sourced from.It goes of of guidelines set aside for corporations by Congress.Like the ability to list water as INERT ingredients instead of saying yeah we’re selling you tap water and ripping you of at the same time.Terpenator is potash you could have a good clean hardwood bonfire and collect the ashes and charcoal and soak it in a barrel of water for 24 hours strain the particulates save the liquid and have 50 gallons of Terpenator for free.They are trying to sell us a bunch of shit we don’t need.


I mix my own… Great black compost soil available locally, blood meal, bone meal, perlite, guano, sand… Moving from peat to coco, but coco hurts the pocket book… Always make my own soil, 3 bin compost setup out back, love that thing!~

(heads to the bonfire pit to collect ash)


I think I’m going to use some ancient forest basalt sand vermicompost kelp meal and smashed two row barley.Ever since I went to barley I won’t go back.25 percent faster finish for your flower who couldn’t want that.Best part is the barley and kelp give me such an even nutrient profile I have zero nutrient issues 0.I have an even green color from top to bottom of my plant.Not one spot of nute burn or even a bug bite really


I wasnt growing for 10 years, and when I jumped back in this year I had some adjusting to do with my mix lol. Been making soil for everything outside for years, lots of in-ground plantings. My first mix this year needed more perlite. Current mix I am much happier with, I felt the first compacted too fast, didn’t drain fast enough and generally needed more aeration. I shoulda written down a mix list back then but honestly didn’t think about it.

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Given the picture it is like looking at a baby in it’s cradle and asking if he will become a doctor. Allow the poor little thing to grow before messing with it.

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I Live in a Farm area I’m going to try and source some local farm compost.There’s a mushroom place around me somewhere and I’d like to till in a couple spent fruiting blocks in to the mix and gets some mycelium going.

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