Can we bid again for non pick- ups !
That👆Is good idea
And that👇 Probably correct as well
I doubt there will be any.
Mailbox is starting to blow up trying to make sure every one is taken care of,i just wanted to remind everyone all The BOG Sour Bluetooth regs i donated reproduced by myself @CapnCannabis are being distributed by @misterbee upon recipient of payment So there is no confusion and everything flows to the winning bidders.Once again thank you for everything everybody body did im sure it helped out a touch was very happy to see the whole tribe pitch in.
Once I get the OFFICIAL NOTICE of Winner’s payment, I’ll dispatch seeds. NO ONE will be shortchanged!! The Winners of the BOG SOUR BLUE TOOTH and DIAMOND DOGS can begin PMing Info. SS/BW…mister
I’m going to let the dust settle before I start DM’ing anyone
I’m just happy to get some Double D and Wizdom gear
All part one lots have been paid and most of the second round have as well. You can see the paid lots from season 2 in the OP of this thread @misterbee . The one’s crossed off are paid.
Appreciate your helping hands ! May the force be with you on this mission !
@DougDawson I am also not in on the pm. Is that where I found out how to pay?
Not on the pm, as far as I can tell
Ready to send payment though
You have been sent an invite to the PM @Thurgood and @sllimnave
@justanobody I received the package yesterday. Thanks.
Great! Enjoy and thank you for the support.
Ok everyone. All bids have been received with the exception of @olschool and @mota so all you donors are able to ship your stuff to everyone else. @olschool and @mota have made special arrangements.
Lol glad I’m not the only one
ALL I ed your PM, it’s safe to delete “Personals”. SS/BW…mister
@DougDawson not sure it matters but my lot #74 should read $25 and lot #73 went for $30
ALL “BOG Sour Bluetooth” and “Diamond Dog” Winnings from the Auction will be dispatched MONDAY MORNING!!! SS/BW…mister
My first arrival of the goodies from both parts of the auction happened today, THANKS @Bobgrows !!!
Glad they arrived safely!